- 黄沙不识英雄路,醉若桑秋去无归. 只待红颜浅一笑,生死两茫皆无诲. 聊流-Huangsha know not heroes, if Arizona drunk to go to the autumn. Once the shallow roots of laughter, life and death are not two bewildered and violence. Chat flow
- 数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)又称为计算机图像处理,它是指将图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程。-Visual information plays an important role in almost all areas of our life. Today, much of this with applications ranging from television to tomography, from photography to pr
- 基于生命游戏的数字图像置乱与数字水印技术.pdf. 论文资料,不容易下载的。-Game of Life based on the number of image scrambling and digital watermarking technology. Pdf. Thesis information will not be easy to download.
- 数字图像处理在实际生活中的应用,是一些典型的例子-Digital image processing in real life applications, are typical examples of
- 摘 要 提出了一种基于样本学习的人脸肖像画自动生成算法.文章采用非均匀的马尔科夫随机场模型来描述肖 像画与人脸图像之间的统计关系 ,并使用基于训练样本的非参数化的概率表示 ,在贝叶斯优化的框架下设计了迭 代采样算法 ,可以自动的从人脸图像生成特定风格的肖像画.在该方法中 ,使用非均匀的统计模型是保持肖像中人 脸结构准确性的关键.文中所提供的例子表明了该文方法的有效性-Abstract In this paper , we present a new approach for au
- In this paper, a novel scale- and rotation-invariant interest point detector and descr iptor, coined SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) is presented. It approximates or even outperforms previously proposed schemes with respect to repeatability, di
- 数字图象处理目前应用极其广泛,可以处理日常生活中的各种问题,这里给出车辆识别vc源程序-Digital image processing is currently an extremely wide range of applications and can handle various aspects of daily life, here given vehicle identification vc source code
- The purpose of this thesis is the development and analysis of photometric descr iptors for the appearance of real life images. The two application areas included in this thesis are face recognition and texture classification.
- 四本手册,对于图像工作者及其有用,我的博士生涯就是它们伴随度过的。 windows api opencv mfc 海康 sdk-Four manual workers and their usefulness for image and my life is that they are accompanied by Dr. spent. windows api opencv mfc sdk Haikang
- BIRCH is applied to solve two real-life problems: one is building an iterative and interactive pixel classification tool, and the other is generating the initial codebook for image compression
- 很强大的应用文献,应用于各种水平的读者,受用一生-Very powerful application literature, applied to all levels of readers, life is good enough
- 在计算机图像处理系统中,图像的最大特点和难点就是海量数据的表示与传输,因此如何有效快速地存储和传输这些图像数据成为当今信息社会的紧迫要求[1]。在当代通信中,数字图像传输已经成为重要内容,在工作中除要求设备可靠、图像保真度高以外,实时性是重要技术指标之一,与文字信息不同的是,图像信息占据大量的存储空间所用传输信道也比较宽。-Crisis is to our life what illness is to our body. Just as fatal disease can destroy ou
- 数字图象处理目前应用极其广泛,可以处理日常生活中的各种问题,这里给出车辆识别vc源程序-Digital image processing is currently an extremely wide range of applications and can handle various aspects of daily life, here given vehicle identification vc source code
- 读取图片的c++程序,非常实用,非常简单命了,易于理解,可以运行-Read the picture a c++ program, very practical, very simple life and easy to understand, to run
- 齿轮传动是应用最为广泛的一种传动,其主要特点为效率高、结构紧凑、工作可靠、寿命长和传动比稳定等优点。而传统的设计方法繁琐并不精确,将优化设计应用到齿轮传动设计上有效地解决了上述问题- Gear transmission is most widely used a transmission, its main characteristics for high efficiency and compact structure, reliable working, long service life
- 程序用VC++编写,能够显示图像,标记图像,命计算出图像的周长和面积-Program with vc++ to write, to display images, mark image, life is calculated, the image of circle skillfully
- 主要介绍图像处理的方法和研究方向以及在现实生活中的应用-Mainly introduces image processing methods and the research direction and the application in real life
- 易语言画板自绘源码易语言写的,图形图像编程,很好的参考。-Easy language board drawn from the source code written in easy language, graphics programming, a good reference.
- 数字图像处理在人们的生活中无处不存在着它的影子,是非常流行热门的技术之一,可以说它是一种每时每刻都在改变着人类生活的技术。人们对于物体的识别主要针对于物体的外形,图像分割目的是对图像中有意义的特征部分进行提取,所谓有意义的特征包括图像中物体的外形边缘和区域等。本文主要针对其中的一个传统而经典的分割方法Hough变换而展开。Hough变换实现的是一种从图像空间到参数空间的映射关系,具有对抗噪声的鲁棒性以及在图像中的不连续性等优点,通过它构建的参数空间可以容易地对特定形状,如直线、圆等解析曲线进行判
- 维多利亚大学陆吾生教授关于CS算法的讲义相关程序(LZ自编)-Victoria University Professor Lu my life on handouts CS algorithm procedures (LZ self)