- 图像匹配的的原图和目标图片,很实用的,欢迎下寨-image matching the maximum and objectives of the pictures, very practical and welcome Xiaqian
- 求二分图最大匹配 匈牙利算法-Seeking the maximum bipartite graph matching for bipartite graph maximum matching algorithm Hungary
- 关于最大流问题,与最大匹配的讲解。内容比较浅显易懂。-On the maximum flow problem, with the largest matching explained. The study were easy to understand.
- 求最大匹配 匈牙利算法 输入二分图 输出最大匹配-Hungary, seeking maximum matching algorithm input bipartite graph maximum matching output
- ACM竞赛中 一般图的最大匹配 带花树-ACM contest the general graph maximum matching with trees and flowers. . . .
- 中文分词在中文信息处理中是最最基础的,无论机器翻译亦或信息检索还是其他相关应用,如果涉及中文,都离不开中文分词,因此中文分词具有极高的地位。中文分词入门最简单应该是最大匹配法-Chinese word segmentation in Chinese information processing is the most basic, whether in machine translation Yihuo information retrieval, or other related applic
- 关于二分图中一些定义,定理及如何求解最大流的问题-Bipartite graph on some definitions, theorems and how to solve the problem of maximum flow
- 该算法是关于图像清晰化的算法,里边包含了光流法,块匹配,凸集投影和最大后验概率等,是很好的参考东西。-The algorithm is an algorithm for image clarity, inside includes optical flow, block matching, convex set projection and maximum a posteriori probability, is a good reference for things.
- C++ 写的一些算法模板 ,比如Kruskal、KMP、欧几里德算法、最大匹配(匈牙利算法)、最小费用最大流、字符串的哈希方法、增广路算法、网络最大流_邻接表等-C++ write some algorithms template, such as Kruskal, KMP, Euclid arithmetic, maximal matching (Hungary) is proposed, the minimum cost and maximum flow, string hash metho
- 序贯法;采用灰度值,各点灰度差值的绝对值之和,取一定阈值,超过阈值即可停止该块的计算,记录此时所计算的次数,次数越大说明越匹配,以最大次数的那次匹配位置为最终匹配点。速度得到很大提高。-Sequential method gray value, the absolute value of the difference of each gray and take a certain threshold value, exceeds a threshold value to stop the ca
- 模板匹配主要是采用基于灰度信息的匹配算法,其中是统计模板与原图像的相关系数,得到最大值的地方,就是相似度最大的地方,也就是成功地找到了匹配的像素点。具体的算法如下。其中,im_matched为原图像,im_template为模板图像。MaxR为最大相似度系数。-Template matching matching algorithm based on gray-scale information, which is the the statistical template with the co
- 图像匹配是指通过一定的匹配算法在两幅或多幅图像之间识别同名点,如二维图像匹配中通过比较目标区和搜索区中相同大小的窗口的相关系数,取搜索区中相关系数最大所对应的窗口中心点作为同名点。其实质是在基元相似性的条件下,运用匹配准则的最佳搜索问题。-Image matching means through a certain matching algorithm identification between two or more images corresponding points, such as
- 图像的简单匹配程序,在左影像上点一点,然后使用相关系数法在右影像上进行全局遍历,找到相关系数最大的点,设为匹配的目标点。-Simple image matching program, the image on the left point a little, and then use the correlation coefficient on the right image globally traversal, find the maximum point of the correlatio
- 使用最小割最大流实现图割的立体匹配算法,建立匹配能量函数,构造网格图并求得最小值,匹配效率高时间短,内附说明文档及分析用法。 -The use of the maximum flow minimum cut graph cut algorithm for stereo matching, matching of energy function, and obtain the minimum mesh structure, high efficiency, short time, contai
- 1. 提取目标区域的初始边界 2. 重复以下步骤 ?? 1)判断是否还存在待填充区域,如果不存在,则退出 ?? 2)计算每一个边缘像素点块的优先级 ?? 3)选出最大优先级点,基于该点查找最佳匹配块 ?? 4)将最佳匹配块的值复制到对应的目标区域 ?? 5)更新目标区域的边界与置信度值(1. Extracting the initial boundary of the target region 2. Repeat the following steps 1) Deter