- 目标跟踪系统的设计与研究,对目标能实时准确地跟踪,本子系统分别在输入图像预处理、目标跟踪算法和跟踪精度上对现有的算法进行改进,使之在速度和精度上满足要求: -target tracking system design and research, the goal of real-time and accurate tracking, Subsystems in the input image pre-processing, target tracking algorithms and tra
- 视频监控系统完整源码(本人本科毕业设计),运用帧间差分算法,运用高斯混合模型来实现背景的实时更新,以减少由于环境的变化对检测结果的干扰。-Video Surveillance System integrity of the source code (I graduated from undergraduate design), use interframe difference algorithm, Gaussian mixture model used to achieve the real-
- 一种实时的车辆检测和跟踪系统,抗前向遮挡 ICPR 06 IEEE. A Real-Time vehicle detection and tracking system,prior occlusion resolusion
- 基于OpenCV平台下的实时目标跟踪系统,用于运动物体的多目标跟踪领域.,OpenCV platform based on real-time target tracking system for moving objects the field of multi-target tracking.
- 视频报警系统,摄像头采集的图像实时识别出来,用于监控是否有异物存在。-Video alarm system, real-time camera images collected identified and used to monitor the presence of a foreign body.
- 鲁邦实时形变的快速网格形状匹配方法,这个代码我是向作者要来的。-FastLSM: Fast Lattice Shape Matching for Robust Real-Time Deformation. This demo is intended to illustrate the kinds of behavior attainable using the FastLSM algorithm, and to provide an example implementation of
- arm系统LINUX环境下TE2440开发板ov9650 CMOS 摄像头驱动源码及测试程序,在触摸屏上得到实时的视频图像-arm the system LINUX environment TE2440 development board ov9650 CMOS camera driver source code and test procedures, the touch screen get real-time video image
- 摘要:针对SIFT 特征提取的硬件实现结构复杂、难以达到实时性的问题,提出一种改进的高斯金字塔构建方法,该方法从 构建高斯金字塔的原始意义出发,大幅减少了所需的运算时间和存储单元。同时提出并验证了合适的SIFT 参数配置,以及 具体的硬件优化和并行实现方案,使整个系统可以在一片单独的FPGA 芯片上实现。该系统读入串行像素数据流,输出关键 点的特征描述符,并采用256×256 的图像对其进行了仿真验证,结果表明完全达到了实时的效果。 关键词:特征点 实时 尺度不变特征变换 现场可
- 改进的暗原色先验算法 适用于实时处理系统 比原始程序要快很多但是质量有所降低-Improved algorithm for the dark color priori real-time processing system is much faster than the original program but the quality has decreased
- 苹果在线检测系统,实时性比较好,可用性更好,很好很好-Apple' s online testing system, real-time is better
- cmvision 是一个机器人视觉系统使用的通用处理库,采用颜色分割算法,实时性强,效率高。-cmvision robot vision system is a common treatment used in libraries, the use of color segmentation algorithm, real-time and high efficiency.
- 前置系统简介1.02版本简介(Front End System)前置系统的任务是进行全网实时数据的采集和预处理,具体内容为:监视通道的 工作状态;规约转换;收集各RTU送来的信息;对该信息加工形成所要求的数字信息; 对信息进行识别、检错、纠错处理;与后台机通讯以及向RTU传送控制命令 。-System version 1.02 pre-brief introduction (Front End System) pre-mission system for the whole netw
- 本文提出了一种新的跨国家的障碍 检测技术为基础的立体视觉系统。 原始图像的预处理的高斯 过滤器和对比度限制的自适应直方图 均衡( CLAHE )方法来削弱作用 噪音,光线和对比度。哈里斯的角落位于与子像素精确。 -Cross-country intelligent vehicles always work in complicated environments with varying illuminations. The paper presents a n
- 图像缓存是图像处理系统设计的重点和难点,包括SDRAM和FIFO的设计,本PDF是设计图像缓存设计的好资料-sdram and fifo design for real-time image processing system
- 实现图像的空间选择并在不同的通过进行圆检测,视频处理具有实时性-To detect circles on different color channels and it is real-time system for video processing.
- 本文主要研究了基于视频的车型自动识别系统,系统通过对摄像机采集的视 频图像进行运动车辆检测分割、特征提取与选择、模式识别等处理,达到实时车 型识别-This paper mainly studies video-based automatic vehicle identification system, the system collected through the camera video image vehicle detection exercise segmentation,
- 该系统是在现有的相机结构基础上,改变传统的有源调焦方式,从获取的数字图像中提取表征图像清晰度的特征,并以此为判别依据进行实时处理。-The system is based on the existing camera structure, change the traditional focus of active ways to get digital images from the extracted features of image clarity of characterization
- In this thesis we present an operational computer vision system for real-time detection and tracking of human motion. The system captures monocular video of a scene and identifies those moving objects which are characteristically human. This serves a
- 基于采集卡的家庭视频监控系统 实现实时视频监控的处理-To achieve real-time processing of video surveillance monitoring system based on the home video capture card
- 随机森林法估计人脸姿态。我们提出用于估计位置和一个人的头部的方向,从由一个低质量的设备获取的深度数据的系统。-Random Forest method to estimate the face pose,。We present a system for estimating location and orientation of a person s head, from depth data acquired by a low quality device.