- 置信传播立体匹配算法,详细说明消息传递的过程,经典论文!-Markov random ?eld models provide a robust and uni?ed framework for early vision problems such as stereo and image restoration. Inference algorithms based on graph cuts and belief propagation have been found to yield accu
- 我们提出一种新的算法,消除运动模糊的一个 图像。我们的方法计算一个使用unied deblurred形象 概率模型的估计和unblurred都模糊的内核 图像复原。我们报告一个常见的原因分析 工件在当前去模糊方法发现,然后介绍 一些新颖的条款在这个概率模型进行了研究 通过我们的分析。 -We present a new algorithm for removing motion blur from a single image. Our method comput
- fisher Linear Discrimination-The kernel of the Fisher Linear Discrimination is to find a projected direction. In this way, we can transfer a multi-dimensional problem to an uni-dimensional one.
- DISCOVER-codedc 是目前最好的分布式视频编码框架,找了很久,其结果可以用在自己的程序中。-DISCOVER-codedc consists of an encoder and decoder to compress video data based on the Distributed Video Coding principles. The software with test data can be downloaded at http://www.discoverdv