- When you need raw polygon-pushing power, you can always utilize the optimizations provided by OpenGL. Vertex Arrays are one good way to do that. For even more boost you can use a recent extension to graphics cards called Vertex Buffer Objects . The e
- 飞机漫游系统的两个修改版本,主要针对地形系统的修改。这里面包括了平面地形和高程数据的地形。其中,高程数据的地形是从RAW灰白图像文件中读取的。做的不好,请多原谅。有志OPENGL实现虚拟现实的朋友,都可以和我联系,大家一起进步。本人QQ:183971435(不诚勿扰)。谢谢!
- VC编写的基于对话框的OpenGL程序,可动态读raw格式的纹理-VC prepared by the OpenGL-based dialog procedures can dynamically read the raw texture format
- 一个演示二叉树树分割的源码,对于学习二叉树和opengl有指导意义-A demonstration of binary tree partition of the source tree, binary tree and opengl for learning guidance
- 利用OpenGL根据.raw作为高度图文件绘制地形,按键f为GL_FILL模式,按键l为GL_LINE模式,m为纹理贴图的地形,c为自己设置颜色的地形,h和t切换不同的地形.-The use of OpenGL in accordance with. Raw height map as a document mapping the topography, key f for GL_FILL mode l for GL_LINE mode button, m for the texture map
- 五十个.max格式的人物3d模型,有男有女有老有少,为虚拟角色编程提供精美原材料。-50. Max format, figure 3d models, there are men and women are young and old, to provide attractive programming for virtual role of raw materials.
- 本程序模拟了太阳星系中各行星的运动。程序中的球体对象采用Opengl实用库中的二次曲面回执函数进行绘制,并读入RAW文件的纹理数据-This program simulates the solar system planets in motion. Sphere object in the program library using Opengl utility function quadratic surfaces receipt draw, and read the texture data
- Example of rendering terrain from .raw files format.
- open gl version giving idea about how to use raw files instead jpeg and md files extract and compile with g++ -lm -lglut -lGL -lGLU hw5.c-open gl version giving idea about how to use raw files instead jpeg and md files extract and
- 基于opengl的简单场景绘制,以及支持鼠标、键盘操作的漫游功能。-Files: Main.cpp (The Source File containing the main program code) Init.cpp (The Source File containing the Win32 and OpenGL initialization code) Camera.cpp (The Source File containing the camera implementati
- 在Visual C++及OpenGL环境下开发的3D地形浏览程序,在天空盒中载入现有的地形高度图文件terrain.raw,并运用自己开发的Camera类实现3D空间中的浏览-Developed in OpenGL environment Visual C++ and 3D terrain viewer, the terrain height map files loaded in the sky box terrain.raw and use to develop their own Came
- RAw格式图片的显示,边缘检测,包括SOBEL算子,具有不同模板的拉普拉斯算子边缘检测,以及一些简单的滤波方式-sadfsadf asdfasdf asdf
- 由OpenGL实现的地形图读取工程,可以识别raw文件并读取-Engineering read by the OpenGL implementation of the topographic map, can identify the raw file and read