- 2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, cross-platform text, constant-rate rendering and image-based data.
- A cross-platform OpenGL wrapper for C# and other .Net languages. It can support OpenGL 3.1 and GLSL language. You can use it write GPU based program using C# instead of C or C++.
- 三维立方体 本程序支持: 1.鼠标拖拽 2.十字光标进行旋转 3.pageup、pagedown拉近拉远 -Three-dimensional cube to support this process: 1. Mouse drag 2. Cross the cursor to rotate 3.pageup, pagedown narrow the gap
- ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. It supports several programming languages (C++, C#, Pascal, VBA) and several operating systems (Windows, Linux, Solaris). ALGLIB features include: • Linear algebra (di
- 基于opengl3.3,空间中两个三棱柱,可深度测试和Depth Clamping-Based on opengl3.3, two space prism, can be depth tested and Depth Clamping