- 介绍了两种投影变化及其相关的函数,可以清楚看出这两种变化的差别-introduced two projectors and related changes in the function, it can be clearly seen that the difference between the two changes
- OPENGL的图形变换,有缩小,平移,旋转三中效果,在VC-OPENGL编译运行成功,没有动画效果,与本站Bounce-opengl.rar,2163KB原代码有很大区别,是从不同角度实现的. -OpenGL graphics transformation, a narrowing, translation, rotation III results the VC-compiler OpenGL successful operation, no animation, and the site
- 几个关于静止背景下的运动人体目标的检测和跟踪(其中有背景差法和粒子滤波结合的方法)方便广大毕业生论文写作藏考,Some background on the movement of static human target detection and tracking (including the background difference method and the combination of particle filter methods) to facilitate the vast nu
- OpenGL编程轻松入门之NURBS曲线和曲面.此例绘制两个相同形状的NURBS曲面,不同之处是一个为线框式,一个是由实多边形组成。-OpenGL programming easy entry of NURBS curves and surfaces. In this case, the shape of two identical rendering NURBS surfaces, the only difference is a frame type, a polygon is formed
- 绘制若干OpenGL基本体素(三角形、三角形带、四边形、四边形带)构成的球体,注意球体绘制与球体划分的区别。 可以控制改变球的数量和球的体积,来改变基本体素的数量以及顶点的数量。 可以通过改变glPolygonMode,切换是否填充所绘制的基本体素。 利用函数glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)(returns the time in milliseconds since glutInit or the first
- 内含opengl技术范例2个、CIE DE 2000色差公式计算器1个等-Example 2 contains opengl technology, CIE DE 2000 color difference formula such as a calculator
- 利用OpenGL编写的两个多边形的交集,并集,差集的代码。-OpenGL prepared by the intersection of two polygons, and set, difference set code.
- 该源代码用opengl写了一个正交投影和透视投影的区别,debug文件中也有可执行文件,通过空格转换投影方式-The source code using opengl to write an orthogonal projection and perspective projection of the difference, debug file has executable file, projection through space conversion
- 使用harris进行角点检测,然后在使用NCC进行点匹配,用来判断三维视频的左右图的差别-Use the harris corner detection, and then use the NCC matching points used to determine the difference of the three-dimensional video about Figure
- In the present paper, we propose a particle-based method for the visual simulation of explosive flames. This method consists of a numerical simulation method based on a fluid model described by discrete Lagrangian using particles and a rendering meth
- 比较中点画线法和传统画线法所需时间差异(画1000次是各自所需时间)-The dotted line and traditional painting method required time difference (painted 1000 each time required)
- OpenCv实现视频中运动物体跟踪 三帧差法 滤波 绘制矩形框区-OpenCv tracking moving objects in video three difference method draws a rectangle filtering area
- 地球物理交错网格有限差分波场数值模拟及边界处理PML-Geophysical finite difference wave field numerical simulation with PML boundary
- 由于左眼和右眼观看显示器的角度不同,利用这一角度差遮住光线就可将图像分配给右眼或者左眼,经过大脑将这两幅由差别的图像合成为一副具有空间深度和维度信息的图像,从而可以看到3D图像。-Due to different monitors left and right eye viewing angle, this angle difference between the use of light can be blocked assign an image to the right eye or le
- 使用有限时间差分算法来计算2维目标散射的例子,不错的-Using finite time difference algorithm to calculate 2 d target scattering example of good