- 国外的一个做人脸直线化的代码,能够对人脸和汽车图片进行直线化。-Many recognition algorithms depend on careful positioning of an object into a canonical pose, so the position of features relative to a fixed coordinate system can be examined. Generally, this positioning is done eithe
- 国外的一个进行图像图形直线化的代码,能够对人脸和汽车图片进行直线化处理。-Many recognition algorithms depend on careful positioning of an object into a canonical pose, so the position of features relative to a fixed coordinate system can be examined. Generally, this positioning is done
- opencv直方图用python实现,第一次做,可能比较粗糙,多多包涵-opencv histogram with a python implementation, for the first time to do, it may be rough, bear with me
- 用于双目立体图像校正:亚像素角点、双向粗略匹配、用RANSAC方法计算F、opencv自带函数矫正图像-For binocular stereo image correction: the corner points of the sub-pixel, two-way rough match, use the RANSAC method F comes with opencv function corrected image