Hand-Detect 手势识别,使用OpenCV的haar 分类器
- 手势识别,使用OpenCV的haar 分类器。训练因为对各个环境不同,请大家自己下载或者自己训练样本。-Hand Recognition and Tracking using OpenCV. It uses Haar Classifier. Because Haar features are different, I did not include the .xml file, please download it online or train it yourself.
- 模式识别大作业题目和实习代码: (1)请自己在互联网上任意找一张图片用做测试,命名为“学号后四_Original”。放在C++工程文件夹下(与CPP文件放在同一文件夹)。用C++调用OpenCV函数对该幅图片进行读入和显示操作。 (2)在(1)基础上,添加修改代码,将原图转换成灰度图像,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Gray”。 (3) 请利用OpenCV中Sobel,Laplace,Canny算法相应函数对(2)中图像进行处理,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Sobel”或“学号后四位_
- 在MFC下使用opencv实现摄像头视频显示,图像采集,以及使用camshift实现物体的追踪。自己参考别人写的,诸多不好之处,敬请谅解-Use opencv realized in MFC camera video display, image acquisition, and tracking objects using camshift achieve. Own reference written by someone else, a lot of not very good, pleas
- For python lovers and hardcore fans of Opencv... Here i have translated the Opencv object marker program originally in cpp to Python. Its code is simple and any system with Python, OpenCV and Python-opencv can run it. Please try it and comment.
- 基于OpenCV的人脸识别演示程序。目前实现了Gabor+Fisherface算法,还有几何和光照归一化。 -->请到 http://code.google.com/p/facerecog/ 下载最新版本。<-- 功能:对摄像头拍摄的或用户指定的图像,检测其中人脸,然后在已存储的人脸库中找到最匹配的人脸并显示。 在VS 2008 SP1上编写,使用了OpenCV 2.0和MFC,通过消息处理函数与用户进行交互,利用多线程来实时显示图像。 数据处理分为了C
- 功能:图像格式的转换,已经编译过,请放心-Function: Image format conversion, has been compiled, please rest assured
- OpenCV 人脸识别示例,请将源码拷贝至E盘(具体路径,参见编译后提示) 请使用Debug模式编译-OpenCV Face Recognition sample, please copy the source code to the E site (the specific path, see the compiled tips), please use the Debug mode compilation
- OpenCV计算机视觉库的ppt资料,欢迎有需要的同学下载-Ppt OpenCV computer vision library information, please download the needy students
- 利用OpenCv实现的Burt-Adelson图像金字塔算法,可以实现图像的L级分解和重构,代码的实现可能还不是很完善,如有什么意见或建议,请发到我邮箱mqzhen@163.com-Achieved using OpenCv Burt-Adelson pyramid algorithm images can be achieved in the L-level image decomposition and reconstruction, implementation of the code m
- 用python实现的opencv直方图均衡化代码,请大家多多指教-Implemented by python opencv histogram equalization code, Please exhibitions
- Live Chroma Keying Using OpenGL Texture, SDL, and OpenCV. Please configure the project s properties correctly to make the program compiles successfully.
- An OpenCV program to read a raw AVI video and save them as frames. Please configure the project s properties correctly to make the program compiles successfully.
- 一个基于VC++平台的《《畸变图像标定校正》》源码,非常实用。需要添加openCV的库才能使用。具体添加方法请网上搜索添加。-A VC++ platform based on fish-eye distortion correction image calibration source, very easy to use. Need to add openCV library to use. Please add a specific method of online search.
- stem will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory. If you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five s
- opencv camshift c++ source code. please download for your use
- 统计运动物体的数目,但是在并排行走时不能进行精确统计,所以还有很多需要完善的地方。-count the number of moving objects,you can refer to it。but it can not count too many people,so it is just a demo which is mature。please
- This an sample project of face detection which is written in Objective -C program . Please set your own code sign if you want to run in real device-This is an sample project of face detection which is written in Objective -C program . Please set
- vs2008工程,感知跟踪,可直接运行,运行前请按照readme配置。-vs2008 project, compressive tracking, can be run directly, please follow the readme before running configure.
- opencv多摄象头库:支持dshow的视频采集设备,最多10个,通过回调产生24b的RGB位图。使用前请注册HYSnapshot,关于有些记录avi文件的参数,请忽略。使用方法请看demo 如果要挂接到opencv请创建一个24位的image,请一定注意将数据按行字节拷贝,-Multi-Camera opencv library: dshow video capture device supports up to 10, 24b of RGB bitmap generated by cal
- VS2012 x64+opencv做的图像拼接,参照了别人的代码改编。 做的是左右拼接,上下的行不行没试过。 主要函数就是图像的储存位置,需要在代码里改下 测试了下还是比较稳健的,拼接效果尚可,不过重叠部分可能产生鬼影,另外接缝处有小裂缝,如果不满意,可再设计方法优化 所有代码均含注释,浅显易懂,含测试图片 运行时请自行配置好头文件和lib文件目录-VS2012 x64+ opencv image stitching done with refe