- 基于GPU计算的SVM,VC++源码,包括详细文档说明文件。借用了GPU编程的优势,该代码据作者说比常规的libsvm等算法包的训练速度快13-73倍,预测速度快22-172倍。希望对大家有用-cuSVM is a software package for high-speed (Gaussian-kernelized) Support Vector Machine training and prediction that exploits the massively parallel proc
- 在matlab中可以调用的程序,用c语言编写,cuda求直方图-used in caculating histogram of color images ,
- CUDA by Example, written by two senior members of the CUDA software platform team, shows programmers how to employ this new technology, including a concise introduction to the CUDA platform and architecture, as well as a quick-start guide to CUDA C.
- C++与Cuda结合,用并行来做加速,将普通的稀疏矩阵加减乘用并行来完成。-C++ and Cuda combined with a parallel acceleration to do, the ordinary addition and subtraction by using sparse matrix parallel to complete.
- 用C++与Cuda结合,计算单因素方差。提出一种新的算法。加快速度。-Cuda with a combination of C++ and calculate single-factor variance. Propose a new algorithm. Speed.
- 一个SPH的程序,C++实现,带CUDA计算。-A SPH source code implemented with C++, using CUDA techonology.
- 稀疏矩阵的DIA/ELLPACK/COO/CSR/HYB表示形式,以及各表示形式下的稀疏矩阵乘法(稀疏大矩阵*矢量)的CUDA实现。对于矩阵中每一行稀疏元素个数较统一的情况,ELLPACK表示最佳,其次是HYB(ELL+COO)。 CUDA™ 是一种由NVIDIA推出的通用并行计算架构,该架构使GPU能够解决复杂的计算问题。 它包含了CUDA指令集架构(ISA)以及GPU内部的并行计算引擎。 开发人员现在可以使用C语言来为CUDA™ 架构编写程序-Sparse matri
- This project implement the convolution neural network on GPU. This reduce much time for training process. This project was written in C# and cuda
- LBM-C is a lattice Boltzmann 2D and 3D fluid flow solver implemented using nVidia s CUDA platform. LBM-C is written in CUDA C and is licensed under GPL v2, you are invited to use, alter and improve upon LBM-C at your own discretion.
- A JPEG2000 encoder on CUDA - Converts BMP -> JPEG2000 with your NVIDIA GPU - Commandline tool and CUDA/C++ library - For both lossless and lossy encoding - One of the fastest open-source JPEG2000 encoder: Encodes a 27 megapixel -
- 二维cuda c书写的离散单元法计算程序圆形颗粒-DEM CUDA C 2DIMENSIONS
- 超快速排序C程序,使用cuda编程,质量高-fast sort c program, use cuda.
- 本代码是CUDA C/C++编程入门者学习的,其中包括对GPU设备参数的获取代码,原子操作,流等代码。初学者掌握并行计算不错的入门程序-The code is CUDA C/C++ beginners to learn programming, including the GPU to get the code of the device parameters, atomic operation, flow, etc. code. Parallel Computing for beginners
- 是一种神经网络框架,在其基础上可以实现物体检测,图像分类,模式识别功能。(Darknet is a neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It is fast, easy to install, and supports CPU and GPU computation. You can find the source on GitHub or you can read more about what Darknet can do righ
- 基于CUDA的FDTD模拟二维TM波在真空中的传播,基于Mur边界条件(FDTD-Mur-CUDA ============= 2D FDTD solution for Mur's Absorbing Boundary Condition using CUDA acceleration.)
- 1.在MATLAB中直接实现Marching Cubes; 2.使用了向量化和预分配的概念在MATLAB中优化; 3.用c-mex函数和GPU实现.(1. Marching Cubes is realized directly in MATLAB; 2., the concepts of VQ and pre allocation are optimized in MATLAB. 3. is implemented with c-MEX function and GPU.)
- CUDA C编程权威指南 (高性能计算技术丛书)的PDF格式书籍中文版,单独无法,请下载另一个一起解压。(CUDA C programming authority Guide (High Performance Computing Technology Series) PDF format book Chinese version, cannot alone, please download another one to decompress together.)