- 给出N口井的坐标,把距离小于给定值的分为一组。只要一口井与这一组中有一口井小于给定距离,则它属于这组-N wells given the coordinates, distance less than the given value is divided into one group. As long as a well and the group has a well less than a given distance, it belongs to this group
- 这个是用来进行基频检测的,目前做的最好的应该数Paul的基频提取算法了,误差可以小于万分之五。该源代码的算法是我根据Paul的算法修改得到,省略了插值部分,所以误差在百分之五以内,但是在实际工作中已经足够了。-is for the frequency of detection, so the best should be the number of frequency Paul extraction algorithm, can be less than prior error. The sou
- Finds the polynomial p10 of degree less than or equal to 10 that interpolates cos x on the interval [0, PI/2] at 11 equally spaced points. Study the error betwee between the function and the polynomial at 41 equally spaced points over the same
- 2005年电力部数学建模大赛题目: 共有61个比赛项目,1050人参加比赛。请给出算法及其框图,同时给出合理的比赛项目排序表,使连续参加两项比赛的运动员人次尽可能的少;表中“#”号位置表示运动员参加此项比赛。建立此问题的数学模型,并且合理安排比赛项目顺序,使连续参加两项比赛的运动员人次尽可能的少;程序使用了最小生成树算法。-2005 Mathematical Modeling Contest subject : a total of 61 events, 1,050 people parti
复件 轮渡问题
- 1. 汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类,上渡船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上4辆客车,才允许上一辆货车。若等待客车不足4辆,则从货车代替,若无货车等待允许客车上船。试写一个算法模拟渡口管理。 算法设计: 1客车和货车均建立一个链式队列,初始均为空。以后来一辆车不是货车就是客车,因此可以说整个程序的事件驱动event就是这两个,客车表示1,货车表示0. 2轮船还没有到达时客车和货车均按次序排在
- 我的算法作业,求一个在总花费小于1500的条件下从源结点到目的结点的最短路径,源代码Tree.cpp(C++语言编写,VC++6.0 IDE下调试通过),利用的是分支定界算法。可执行文件Tree.exe说明在ReadMeFirst请按照说明使用。-algorithm operations, for a total cost of less than 1,500 from the source node to node purpose of the shortest path, Tree.cpp
- 该算法模拟渡口管理。过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类,上渡船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上4辆客车,才允许上一辆货车。若等待客车不足4辆,则从货车代替,若无货车等待允许客车上船。-the algorithm simulation ferry management. Jiang Ferry each can carry 10 cars crossing the river, crossing the river into passenger veh
- For the incomplete methods, we kept the representation of the queens by a table and the method of calculation to determine if two queens are in conflict, which is much faster for this kind of problems than the representation by a matrix. heuristics
- 这个是图的广度周游的源代码。解压即可。算法比较简洁,复杂度较小。-the breadth of the plan is to travel around the source code. Decompression can be. Algorithm comparison simple, less complex.
- 更新部分 1、自适应算法采用参考文献[2]的NLMS算法,收敛速度更快,所需训练次数更少。 2、自适应收敛步长在(0,2)之间存在较优取值,Lorenz序列为0.6。-update an adaptive algorithm reference [2] NLMS algorithm, convergence faster, less the number of required training. 2, adaptive step in the convergence of (0,2)
- Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to work in the random access memory(RAM). Some of them do provide some mechanism for dumping the whole tree into a file and loading it back to the memory
- 附有本人超级详细解释(看不懂的面壁十天!) 一、 实际问题: 希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。因D.L.Shell于1959年提出而得名。它又称“缩小增量分类法”,在时间效率上比插入、比较、冒泡等排序算法有了较大改进。能对无序序列按一定规律进行排序。 二、数学模型: 先取一个小于n的整数d1作为第一个增量,把文件的全部记录分成d1个组。所有距离为dl的倍数的记录放在同一个组中。先在各组内进行直接插人排序;然后,取第二个增量d2<d1重复上述的分组和
- 最小重量机器设计问题 设某一机器由n个部件组成,每一种部件都可以从m个不同的供应商处购得。设w(i,j)是从供应商j处购得的部件i的重量,C(i,j)是相应的价格。 设计一个优先列式分支限界法,给出总价格不超过c的最小重量机器设计。-minimum weight machines based design of a machine n components, each component can be 000 m from different vendors purchased. L
- Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a decision maker in solving complex problems involving many criteria and several courses of action . An Expert Choice solution to a problem reflects the exp
- 经典的DES算法,确保可以编译通过,可以少花不少时间,-classic DES algorithm to ensure that the compiler is enacted, it will spend a lot less time,
- fastDNAml is an attempt to solve the same problem as DNAML, but to do so faster and using less memory, so that larger trees and/or more bootstrap replicates become tractable. Much of fastDNAml is merely a recoding of the PHYLIP 3.3 DNAML progra
- 公园导游图 给出一张某公园的导游图(景点不少于10个),游客通过终端询问可知: 任一景点的相关信息; 从某一景点到另一景点的最短简单路径。 游客从公园大门进入,选一条最佳路线,使游客可以不重复地游览各景点,最后回到出口(出口就在入口旁边)。 要求: 1、从键盘或文件输入导游图; 2、游客通过键盘选择两个景点,输出结果; 3、输出从入口到出口的最佳路线。 文件中包含详细的源代码及注释,以实现这个经典的问题。-park guide map is a par
- 实现Lzari压缩算法的C++类,提供内存压缩接口.效率比zip稍差一些-Lzari compression algorithm to achieve the category C, providing compression memory interface. Efficiency is less satisfactory than zip
- 计算100以内的质数 计算100以内的质数 -Calculate prime number less than 100
- Brush Less DC Motor is very advanced Motor where we don t use commutators