- In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial Co
- 6自由度puma机器人仿真程序源码。This is PUMA3d.M, a 3D Matlab Kinematic model of a Puma robot located in the robotics lab of Walla Walla University. The file uses CAD data converted to Matlab using cad2matdemo.m, which is located on the Mathworks central file ex
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 用来测试压缩感知中构造的测量矩阵的RIP的-this .m file is used to check the senging matrix RIP in CS
- SeDuMi 是一个求解半正定规划的算法包,这是项目最新发布的源代码。-Welcome to SeDuMi 1.3 SeDuMi is a Matlab Toolbox for Linear, Second order, Semidefinite or mixed problems. It can handle free variables and complex data as well. To obtain the latest version of SeDuMi,
- 一个拼写检查程序,用来检查你的输入的文件中的单词是否拼写错误,并给你给出可能的拼写建议。(用Hashset实现)(卡耐基梅隆大学ssd5数据结构Option Exercise4答案) 程序参数设置(第一个为要输入的词库文件,本例中是wordlist.txt, 第二个为要检查的文件,必须为txt格式,本例中用test.txt来检查)-A spelling checker to check your input file is misspelled words, and give you a p
- 一个不带界面的计算器,用户只需要在文本文件input.txt中输入计算表达式,即可通过运行程序得到结果,输出在output.txt中; 支持加减乘除,取余数,乘方,括号等等; 如:5+4 = 输出9 5+4*4+9/3 = 输出24 (5+4)*4+9/3 = 输出39 (50+4)*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出56 (50+4)^2*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出2918-Interface without a calculator,
- 演示如何利用f90接口读出已经创建了4维数组的nc文件,并检查文件的正确与否-Demonstrates how to use the f90 interface to read out has created a four-dimensional array of nc file, and check the correctness of documents
- 增加了对ifr a me,scr ipt的检查,可以恢复被大量置入ifr a me的网页。免得手动去删除的麻烦。 virus_lib.asp增加了对ifr a me,scr ipt的控制参数分别为: Const removeifr a me=true 是否检查ifr a me Const ifr a meKey="3322" ifr a me 中的关键字,如果出现系统将自动清除 Const removescr ipt=true 是否检查scr ipt Con
- 此作業需使用Backtracking algorithm 從第一格開始,從1到9依序測試是否可以填入,若本來此格已有數字,則直接往下一格走。若可以填入( if(promising()) )則填入該數字並且往下一格移動繼續填,若此格沒有可填入的數字時,則結束該格的動作,回到上一格去測試剩下的可能結果。若已經填完( if(solution is found) ),則可能解+1,然後回到前面再繼續尋找接下來的可能解。直到全部可能的數字組合都試完之後,程式結束,所有可能解的個數也會被找到。需要印出的
- 编写一个简单的家用电器商店库存模拟操作程序,并且要求商品的库存数据存储在文件 store.txt 中。首先,该程序要能实现从文件中读取当前所有库存信息,然后将其存储在一个结构数组中,并能够实现对库存商品的升序排列、查询、交易、报错、在商品交易后更改库存信息等功能。-Write a simple appliance store inventory simulation procedures, and require the inventory of goods stored in the file
- ou can use this M-file as a guideline for implementing CRC code generation using the Communications Toolbox functionality. This M-file does not include the error detection process, but you can easily use the process specified below to perform the CRC
- 机房上机系统 1。数据信息(学生的学号,姓名,系别,上机种类,存的机时等)保存在comp.dat文件中 2。上机签到 3下机 4存机票和查询某同学信息 -Computer Lab System 1. Data (number of students learning, name, departments, on the machine type, keep the machine, etc.) stored in comp.dat file 2. Sign-on the pl
- 通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 录入: 可以录入航班情况(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具体数据自定) ; 查询: 可以查询某个航线的情况(如,输入航班号,查询起降时间,起飞抵达城市,航班票价,票价折扣,确定航班是否满仓); 可以输入起飞抵达城市,查询飞机航班情况; 订票:(订票情况可以存在一个数据文件中,结构自己设定) 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班; 退票: 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 客户资料有姓名,证件号,订票数量及航班情况,订单
- The files in this directory will be replaced by new versions some time in the future. Check this file for information on latest update. The following files are presently included: GRID.F This file contains a code for generating 3D Cartesi
- CONSX—这是一个主要子程序,调用其它于程序及输出中间结果 * !* CHECK—检查所有的点是否满足约束条件,对违背约束的点进行校正 * !* CENTR—计算中心点 * !* FUNC —目标函数,由用户提供 * - PROGRAM COMPLEX PARAMETER(N=3,M=4,K=6) DIMENSION X(K,M),R(K,N),F(K),G(M),H(M),XC(N) INTEGER GAMMA OPEN(4,FILE= COMPDA
- 对SWAN输出文件进行数据处理及图像输出-SWAN output file, data processing and image output
- Descr iption 对给定一个Pascal源文件,请检查其中 (1)begin与end (2)if,then,else 是否合法配对。-Descr iption given a Pascal source file, check which (1) begin and end (2) if, then, else the legality of pairing.
- I am sure that you gonna like it. It is reading file.Check it.
- matlab file related to LOAD scheduling in power systems