- 求解TSP和MTSP的混合遗传算法_英文_,Abstract:M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup cit ies and returns the same start ing city. The to tal length of all subtours is required to be m ini2 mum. Th is is called
- MTSP 问题其实与单 旅行商问题(Traveling Salesperson Problem ,简称TSP) 相似,但是由于添加了任何城市只要被某一旅行商访问到即可这个附加条 件,因而增加了问题复杂度。在以前使用遗传算法(GA) 研究解决MTSP 问题时,通常采用标准的TSP 染色体和处理方法。-M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup c
- 新一代高性能无人机飞控系统的研究与设计 张小林 赵宇博 范力思-I n o r de r t o cau se t he U A V f lig ht co nt r o l sy st e m has t he f o r mida ble da t a- ha ndling ca pa cit y , t h e lo w po we r lo ss , t he st r o ng f le x ibilit y an d a hig he r int e g r at io n