- 基于MATLAB的ARIMA模型的源代码。ARIMA模型是自回归滑动平均求和模型,是时间序列分析模型,可以用于时间序列的预测。该代码实现了ARIMA模型的建模和谱分析过程-The ARIMA model based on MATLAB source code. ARIMA model is the sum of autoregressive moving average model is time series analysis models, can be used for time seri
- sum of series pipelined for trimedia
- 第1部分 该纳契系列:0,1 ,2,3,5,8,13,21,...。开始的条款0和1,并有 每一个成功的财产一词,是前两个条件的总和。编写一个非递归 功能纳契(n)到显示的前n个Fibonacci数。观看停止对样品标志 在最后显示的数字输出(它不是逗号)。编写一个简短的UNIX shell脚本来运行 您的斐波那契程序。 第2部分 编写一个C程序,使用UNIX进程管理工具。您将使用fork()函数 产卵的三子进程。每个子进程将使用execlp()函数来运行
- 一个应用Horner法则加权计算一个数列的和。具体数值类型可一个根据需要调整。-sum of a series employing Horner s Rule
- 这个函数估计到库默尔与第N系列的广义超几何微分方程解的权力。库默尔的差分方程为: x *的克 (十)+(二- X)的*克 ( x)的- A *的为g(x)= 0 该代码只有4线长,利用Matlab的向量运算有权采取了第N广义超几何级数的权力的总和。-This function estimates the solution to kummer s differential equation with the first N powers of the
- 本文介绍了基于MATLAB软件在《信号与系统》课程教学中的仿真实验,通过抽样信号的表征、周期方波信号的傅立叶级数分解与合成、余弦信号的相加与相乘、RLC带通滤波器的频率特性等仿真实验,说明了将MATLAB应用于教学实践中的重要作用和意义。-This article describes the MATLAB-based software in the " Signals and Systems" course teaching simulation, by sampling th
- It shows the basic shape of a Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF), how to convolve an HRF with a time-series of stimulus onsets in order to produce a predicted fMRI signal, and how to plot the results in Matlab. The program also shows what happens w
- 最小RMSE神经网络方法计算Lyapunov指数的matlab函数。-This M-file calculates Lyapunov exponents with minimum RMSE neural network. After estimation of network weights and finding network with minimum BIC, derivatives are calculated. Sum of logarithm of QR decomposition
- 数列求和(动态规划实现) 给定n个数字和一个范围[x,y],求从这n个数字中任意取出一些数字,使得它们的和在范围[x,y]中有多少种取法。 输入: 输入第一行为整数case,case<=10 表示有case组测试数据。 对于每一组测试数据,第一行为一个整数n (n<=30),第二行为n个整数a[i],第三行为两个整数x和y。其中,a[i]>=0,sum(a[i])<2^31,0<x,y<sum(a[i])< span="">。
- 计算hamming(1962)级数:sn=1/n(n+x).0.0-300.0 步长,精确度可调。-Produce a table of the values of the series (1) for the 3001 values of x, x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 300.00. All entries of the table must have an absolute error less than 10
- In mathematics, a Taylor series is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function s derivatives at a single point.
- 数学算法中的一种迭代方法,高斯迭代法,是使用泰勒级数展开式去近似地代替非线性回归模型,然后通过多次迭代,多次修正回归系数,使回归系数不断逼近非线性回归模型的最佳回归系数,最后使原模型的残差平方和达到最小。-Mathematical algorithms in an iterative method, Gauss iterative method, using the Taylor series expansion to approximate instead of nonlinear regre
- Function of an integer raised in a power * and the calculation of the sum of a series of integers
- taylor逼近计算器,有非常好的逼近拟合功能(TAYLORTOOL is an interactive Taylor series calculator that graphs a function f against the Nth partial sum of itsTaylor series over [-2*pi,2*pi].)
- 用于ICSS算法中,计算累计平方和函数时使用,可以用于检验时间序列的方差变异(this program is used to calculate accumulative sum while processing ICSS arithmetic, and can be used to test the varianc variation of time series.)