- 在电报收发、数据通信过程中,可使用前缀编码使字符编码的平均长度最短。这种前缀编码可通过构造哈夫曼树的方式来实现。 算法输入:各字符及其权值。 算法输出:各字符的编码串 -In his cable, transceiver, data communication process, can use the prefix encoding character encoding so that the average length of the shortest. This prefix H
- 這是一個FatFs的iar和IAR的LPC2148 -1. Connect your JLink to the IAR LPC2148 Kick Start board. 2. Connect an RS232 cable to RS232_1. Open terminal program @ 115200 8N1 3. Click the debug icon
- PC机上开串口调试助手,发送一个字符到开发板(中间通过串口线相连) FPGA收到字符后,回发给PC机上,在串口助手上显示 -On the PC, open the serial port on a PC debugging assistant to send a character to the development board (in the middle connected by serial cable) FPGA received character back to the s
- 基本实现了 左边一颗表格树,当展开时候甘特图也展开,关闭时甘特图也关闭,而且横向进度可以左右移动,扩大缩小,连接线 也根据位置自动变换连接 当子进度移动或扩大时,父进度也跟着放大缩小移动,根据XML 文件配置整个甘特图,点击列头时候, 自动拉伸-Form the basic realization of a tree on the left, when you expand it also launched a Gantt chart, Gantt chart when you clos