- 【文本与二值图像的游程】1. 文本游程压缩的原理 对重复字段采用3符号标识法:(1) 重复提示符,比如@,#等;(2) 游程长度参数或重复次数,若用一个字节表示,最大长度可为255个重复字;(3) 重复字符。以上三部分合称为重复因子。可见要获得压缩效益,重复字符应在3个以上。2. 图像游程压缩的原理 对于二值图像,原始数据为零一矩阵,压缩时逐行处理该矩阵:(1) 连续n个1,表示为+n;(2) 连续n个0,表示为-n。-text and binary image -- an outbound t
- 伴随着网络的出现,网页逐渐融入人们的生活。快速及时的新闻浏览,五彩缤纷的网上信息,使网络与人们的生活息息相关,于是世界上又出现了第三媒体——Internet。它打破了地域限制,真正使信息得以共享,改变了人们的工作和生活方式。而网页具有信息量大,传递快速,没有时空限制等特点。在这个网络时代,人们了解的新闻不仅仅是来源于电视、报纸等,还来源于网络。所以新闻发布系统也就成为大家所认可的在网络浏览新闻的最佳途径。 本系统实现了对新闻的添加、修改、删除、审核,以及对用户的管理等功能,在前台新闻浏览模块
- 基于AT89C51单片机计算器数字输入显示模拟设计 第一次按下时,显示“D1”;第二次按下时,显示“D1D2”;第三按下时,显示“D1D2D3”,8个全显示完毕,再按下按键下时,给出“嘀”提示音。-Based on AT89C51 microcontroller digital input display analog calculator designed for the first time, when pressed to show " D1" second time,
- 鲜花配送系统源码。该代码程序完善,能有电话提示(要的话另外支付费用)-Flowers delivery system source code. Procedures for improving the code, can have the phone prompt (to the words of additional fees may apply)
- This an example using the Subspace Pursuit Algorithm of Wei Dai and Olgica Milenkovic "Subspace Pursuit for Compressive Sensing: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Complexity" In order to run this example you need to install all th
- conpressive sensing 的MMA新程序- This is an example using the Subspace Pursuit Algorithm of Wei Dai and Olgica Milenkovic "Subspace Pursuit for Compressive Sensing: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Complexity" and the Re-weighted
- compressive sensing 新版本MMA14- This is an example using the Subspace Pursuit Algorithm of Wei Dai and Olgica Milenkovic "Subspace Pursuit for Compressive Sensing: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Complexity" and the Re-weighte
- 同时也是很方便的工具:在资源浏览器右键菜单里添加“如果此文件夹为空,则删除它”项,对于文件夹,如果选中此项,则判断该文件夹是否为空,如果为空则删掉它,否则提示文件夹不为空。可以避免手工清理空文件夹时误将非空文件夹删除-lders, if this option is selected, it is determined whether the folder is empty, if empty then delete it, otherwise prompt the folder is not
- 用simulink对风电场进行建模分析得到功率以及电流的仿真图-This example uses an initial state vector to start the simulation steady-state. When you make changes to the model (add, delete, rename blocks, etc), the initial state vector needs to be regenerated or disabled, ot
- 静态霍夫曼编码压缩解压源代码。来自经典书籍《数据压缩导论》中的静态压缩算法源代码,可用codeblocks运行制作出exe文件,然后按照说明,使用命令提示符去运行使用。源代码方便大家改写并嵌入到自己的程序中。-fixed Huffman coding compression decompression source code. From the classic book Introduction to Data Compression in the static compression al