- 分支界限法是由“分支”和“界限”策略两个部分组成,其中“分支”策略是对问题空间按照广度优先的策略进行搜索;“限界”策略是为了加速搜索速度而采用启发信息剪枝的策略。 使用分支限界法来解决单源最短路径问题时主要利用结点控制关系剪枝,在一般情况下,如果解空间树中以结点Y为根的子树中所含的解优于以结点X为根的子树中所含的解,则结点Y控制了结点X,以被控制的结点X为根的子树可以剪去。算法实现时,使用邻接矩阵表示图,二维数组存储图的邻接矩阵,使用数组记录源到各顶点的距离和路径上的前驱顶点。 -Br
- 骑士遍历的小程序。可以控制遍历地图的大小,控制复杂度,程序会输出遍历的路径,方便用户检查。-Knight through the small program. Map can be controlled through the size, control complexity, the program will traverse the path of the output, user-friendly examination.
- 克鲁斯卡尔算法,实现最小生成树,并且可以通过参数控制连通分支的数量-Kruskal algorithm for minimum spanning tree and connected components can be controlled by the number of parameters
- 能够用键盘控制生成随机数 并排序。同时比较不同算法的时间-Can be controlled using the keyboard generates random numbers and sort. Compare different algorithms time
- You may have heard of the book 2001 - A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, or the film of the same name by Stanley Kubrick. In it a spaceship is sent from Earth to Saturn. The crew is put into stasis for the long flight, only two men are awake, and t
- 该程序为实现哈夫曼的一些应用而设计的,其中用到了MFC直观的打印了树的形状,并且在界面上做了些美化工作,用到了屏幕雨,通过光标移动可控制程序的菜单,等等。-The program for the Huffman some applications and design, which uses the MFC prints intuitive tree shape, and the interface to do some landscaping work, use a rain screen,