- 语法分析正确后就可以求值了,求值时用到一个操作数堆栈和操作符堆栈,以及一个算符优先表(存储了运算符之间的优先关系),具体细节可以阅读源码。-syntax analysis is correct after it evaluates the value used for a number of operations and the operator stacks stack, and an operator priority list (stored Operators relations bet
- 数据结构:栈的应用 数据结构:栈的应用 数据结构:栈的应用-data structure : the application stack data structures : the application stack data structure : stacks of application data structures : the application stack data structure : Application Stack
- Microsoft 面试常考算法 Implementation of Queue using 2 Stacks.-interviews often test algorithm Implementation of Queue using two protocol stacks.
- 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 双向栈的操作 入本 出本 -stack of two-way operation to the two-way out of the stack into the operation of the two-way
- 用c++描述的顺序存储结构的表,堆栈和队列-use described in the order of the storage structure table, stacks and queues
- 数据结构的实现,包括可自动增长的数组,链表,堆栈,集合,二叉搜索树(元素不会重复),AVL 平衡树等,很好的数据结构源码。所有类均使用模板编写,并不特定于 Windows 平台,所有只要有 C++ 编译程序的操作平台都可使用。-achieve the data structure, including the automatic growth of arrays, linked lists, stacks, collection, Binary Tree Search (elements wil
- 表达式求值,包括栈的读写,创建,释放,可以求借一般四则运算,带括号等-expression evaluates, including stacks of reading and writing, to create, release and should seek through four general computing, with brackets, etc.
- 利用堆栈和队列分别存储输入的字符串,再分别出栈和出队列实现回文的判断-Stacks and queues are stored using the input string, and then stack and a queue, respectively, to achieve a palindrome judgments
- 本程序是学习数据结构的基础程序,主要有线性链表,栈,多为数组。-This program is to learn basic programming data structures, mainly linear linked lists, stacks, and more for the array.
- 该文件为链式储存结构的实验,文件包含了实验报告和代码,其中内容包括了线性表的链式结构的定义,链接存储结构结点的访问方法吗,栈的链式存储结构实现,链式存储结构的队列的特点与实现;栈和队列的简单应用; -Experimental chain storage structure of the file, the file contains the lab reports and code, which includes the definition of the linear chain stru
- C语言 使用SDL 实现的迷宫求解演示程序。 使用栈,回溯法 包括制作地图,随机生成地图,求解过程演示。-C language realization of the use of SDL demo program to solve the maze. The use of stacks, including the production of backtracking map, randomly generated maps, the solution process demonstra
- 栈和队列的操作与应用,用顺序栈实现算术后缀表达式求值源程序-Stack and queue operations and application stacks used to achieve the order of arithmetic expression evaluation source suffix
- 用两个栈模拟一个队列,包含出队、入队和获取最大值函数,时间复杂的O(n)-Simulation of a queue with two stacks contain enter and quit team, and get the maximum value function, the time complexity of O (n)
- 利用栈知识来模拟停车场系统,通过车牌照和停车时间来管理停车场。-Knowledge of the use of stacks to simulate car park system, through the vehicle license plate and parking time to the management of car parks.
- 自己写的数据结构代码,包括链表,栈,队列,树-Data structure to write their own code, including linked lists, stacks, queues, trees
- 我自己写的vc数据结构的作业,包括单链表、双向链表、排序、队列、栈等数据结构-I wrote it myself vc data structure operations, including single-chain, two-way linked lists, sorting, queues, stacks, such as data structure
- 用栈实现算术表达式 一个小小的科学计算器,根据用户输入的表达式计算出结果-Arithmetic expressions using stacks to achieve a small scientific calculator, in accordance with user input to calculate the results of the expression
- 该压缩文件夹内有诸多常用算法和数据结构的c++模板编程实现,可作为您程序开发的辅助工具。具体有栈、队列、优先队列、字典、二叉树、图(包括节点的遍历,连通性判断,3种经典最短路径算法的实现等)。-The compressed folder, there are many commonly used algorithms and data structures c++ Template programming, can be used as your development tool. Specif
- 栈和队列的实现,包括共享栈、链栈、循环队列、链队列。-Implementation of stacks and queues, including the sharing of the stack, chain stack, circular queue, the queue chain.
- 数据结构之--栈和队列的代码。 它是参考和学习的上好资料。 数据结构系列代码包含:排序算法;表,树,图,栈和队列。-Data structures- stacks and queues code. It is a superbly reference and learning information. Series code contains data structures: sorting algorithm tables, trees, graphs, stacks and que