- 可用于P2P分布式网络的哈希算法, 带有例子,直接复制出HASH类即可方便使用.-for peer-to-peer distributed network of Hash algorithms, with examples. direct cloning HASH category will be easier to use.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -This library is distributed in the hope tha t it will be useful,
- 这些是我特地制作的分布式计算的示例程序,仅供各位相关开发人员参考使用 本作以ChinaPI的第一个内部测试版作为蓝本修改而成,旨在提高中国分布式计算的设计水平 架构完整,包含除安全组件的其他重要组件(为了突出分布式计算和ChinaPI的安全,各个组件均进行了简化) 对PI的计算使用BBP公式(计算核心部分并非重点,写得比较乱) 为了通俗易懂,使用VB6.0编写 文档并非标准文档,只是示意性的 相关源码及文档可以经修改后再发行,但须遵循以下条款: 1、源码及
- 复杂网络中,度分布计算,函数,并绘制出度分布的分布图,Complex networks, distributed computing degree, function, and mapping the distribution of out-degree distribution
- LPARX is a C++ class library for for implementing portable scientific applications on distributed memory parallel computer architectures-LPARX is a C++ Class library for for implementing portable scientific applications on distributed memory parallel
- Another generator of uniformly distributed random numbers
- PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) 是美国能源部ODE2000 支持开发的20 多个ACTS 工具箱之一,由Argonne 国家实验室开发的可移植可扩展科学计算工具箱,主要用于在分布式存储环境高效求解偏微分方程组及相关问题。-PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) is ODE2000 U.S. Department
- Hexagon is a C++ function that returns a complex number which represents a randomly distributed location within a hexagon. The orientation of the hexagon is with vertical sides, where R is the radius supplied to the function. A test bench showing
- 蚁群算法的原理及其应用.pdf;;蚁群算法是优化领域中新出现的一种仿生进 化算法。该算法采用分布式并行计算机制,具有较强的鲁棒性 但有搜索时间较长,易陷入局部最优解的缺点。-The principle of ant colony algorithm and its application. Pdf ant colony algorithm is to optimize the emerging field of evolutionary algorithm for a bionic. T
- Grid technologies have progressed towards a service-oriented paradigm that enables a new way of service provisioning based on utility computing models, which are capable of supporting diverse computing services. It facilitates scientific applicat
- N-body Distributed Shared Memory Algorithm
- object oriented finite element program distributed as source
- 计算2维杆系结构的程序,能计算均布荷载。可以计算出位移和节点力-Calculation of 2-dimensional truss structure of the program, to calculate uniform load. Can calculate the displacement and nodal forces
- 随机水文学中常会用到符合Gamma分布的随机数,用于模拟一些随机的水文过程,这里水文工具集介绍一种使用C++语言的TR1新特征中的随机数发生器来产生Gamma分布随机数-Frequently used stochastic hydrology meet Gamma distributed random numbers, used to simulate some random hydrological processes, hydrological tools here to introduce
- 程序功能:产生0---1之间均匀分布的随机数! 方法:线性同余法-Program features: produce 0--- 1 between uniformly distributed random numbers! Methods: linear congruential method
- Nelder Mead simplex algorithm for minimizing N-dimension const function Copyright (C) 2008 Colin Caprani - www.colincaprani.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General P
- 采用hadoop,解决海量数据中,图的并行计算,计算图的最短距离,主要用于社区数据分析-Using Hadoop Distributed to solve the shortest path problem, and and hbase do back-end database, and learn hadoop is a very good reference
- 伪随机数的产生算法,利用线性同余法产生在(min,max)上精度为4位小数的平均分布的随机数,实现在min 到max 范围内产生服从正态分布的随机数-Pseudo-random number generation algorithm, using the linear congruential method to generate the (min, max) on the accuracy of four decimal evenly distributed random numbers, t
- 可以很好准确的产生正太分布随机数,对粗糙面的研究有一定的帮助-Well generated is too distributed random number on the rough surface of some help
- 分布式basis pursuit。用来实现分布式的线性方程足求解-distributed basis pursuit using ADMM