- 采用NLJ随机搜索的方法辨识一个以状态方法表示的非线性系统。选其初值 a1(0) =50 , a2(0) =100 , a3(0) =100 , a4(0) =50 , a5(0) =10 , 选范围为 r(1)(i)=0.5 a(0)(i) , 取数据长度 L =40, t =0.005 , 性能指标 J= 。迭代计算结果得 a 的估计值 1=17.6043243, 1=17.5977, 2=72.9573, 3=51.3014, 4=22.9889, 5=5.99965, J = 0.000
- 矩阵运算:求逆、转置、相乘等,然后通过矩阵运算求多项式纠正的值,多项式如:X=a0+a1*x+a2*y+a3*x*x+a4*x*y+a5*y*y Y=b0+b1*x+b2*y+b3*x*x+b4*x*y+b5-Matrix operations: inversion, transpose, multiply, etc., and then through the matrix for computing the value of correct polynomial, polynomial
- Sorting by Heapsort and Mergesort algorithms. =================================== Input file:H01dat.txt ---------------------------- 包含第一列為n a b 第二列以後為a1 a2 a3 a4 ...... an n:要排序的輸入資料數。 ai:要排序的資料,以space 或換行隔開,程式要能自行判斷資料輸入到n筆為止。
- Write a program that reads as its inputs four pairs of (x, y) coordinates of the endpoints of two line segments P1P2 and P3P4. Your program should decide whether the two line segments have a common point. For this problem you may use matlab in order
- SML implementations of random functions. Including tree traversals and tree balancing.