- 贝叶斯bayes算法分类器诊断程序-Bayesian classifier diagnostic procedures
- The purpose of this paper is to address the following problem: How can existing sequential simulators be utilized in developing parallel simulators for the numerical solution of partial dierential equations (PDEs)? We dis- cuss this issue in t
- MOT - Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking System Di Zhong and Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University {dzhong,sfchang}@ee.columbia.edu
- Fortran77编写而成。基于连续的原理解决stiff两点边值常微分问题,是由Cash改编自TWPBVP程序。 内有说明,算例和参考信息,并且附有stiff问题的一些结果。-Automatic Continuation with Deferred Corrections The package ACDC (which is written in FORTRAN 77) is designed to solve stiff two-point boundary value
- CVM C++类库封装了很多矩阵计算的函数。是科研、数值计算必不可少的工具。其中包括各种矩阵和向量的定义,如方阵、对称矩阵、共轭矩阵等。-CVMC++ class library1 encapsulates the concepts of vector and dierent kinds of matrices including square, band, symmetric and hermitian ones, in Euclidean space of real and complex
- L1General是一个求解各种L1-正则化问题的Matalb程序。详细说明可参考:http://www.di.ens.fr/~mschmidt/Software/L1General.html -L1General is a set of Matlab routines implementing several of the available strategies for solving L1-regularization problems.
- 用vb编的在matlab上实现的递归圆圈图的画法的程序-use vb to draw the recursion circle
- 线性化方法应用于非线性的DI的延髓方程粘性重力流等温派生NITE DI erence数值方法。数值方法可以采用相似的解决方案进行验证。-The linearisation method is applied to the nonlinear diusion equation governing the isothermal of viscous gravity currents to derive a nite dierence numerical scheme. The numerica
- In numerous application areas, including biomedical engineering, radar, sonar and digital communi- cations, the goal is to extract a useful signal corrupted by interferences and noises. Noise/interference removal is facilitated when multiple sens
- 使用esri的mapobjects2.2编写的地形三角网绘制程序,使用狄洛尼方法构成三角网-The esri of mapobjects2.2 write the terrain triangulation network drawing program, Di Luoni methods constitute a triangular network
- 递推化梯形法求解定积分,求解低阶定积分,迭代法开平方运算,牛顿法解方程,欧拉方法求解微分方程,改进的欧拉方法求解微分方程,雅可比迭代公式求解线性方程,-qiu jie di jie ding ji feng,dijin tuihua tixing qiujie dingjifeng,qiu jie dijia dingji feng ,diedai fa kai pingfang yunsuan
- Descr iption 现在大家正在为完成网络教室的题目而奋斗。你想获得更高的分数,但发现自己的效率有点儿低,于是请你写个程序计算一下: 假设一共有 n 个题目,每个题目 i 你都需要一个单位时间来完成。同时每个题目 i 都有一个完成期限 di 和相应的分数 pi 。这里的完成期限是指应在开始时间之后 di 个时间单位内(含di)完成,不能迟交。 所有题目同时开始计时,当且仅当题目 i 在它的期限截止以前被完成时,你才能获得 pi 的分数。完成期限的设
- L identication consiste à appliquer des signaux de perturbation à l entrée d un système (ceux-ci peuvent être de type binaire aléatoire ou pseudo-aléatoire, galois, sinus à fréquences multiples...) et en analyser la sortie dans le but d obtenir
- 各种资源分配算法实现,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,与理论分析结果相比。- Various resource allocation algorithm, FIG simulation speed, di