- 《Optimal State Estimation - Kalman, H Infinity, and Nonlinear Approaches》 一书的配套源码,包括了Kalman Filter、Hinf Filter、Particle Filter等的Matlab源码,《Optimal State Estimation- Kalman, H Infinity, and Nonlinear Approaches》source code,including Matlab code of Kalm
- Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank,
- A Labview program which compares LMS,H infinity, a Kalman Filter and recursive Least Squares (RLS). The source is there for them all.
- 给出变量的上下边界、初值和代价函数,能够搜索代价函数最小值时的变量取值。属于带约束的优化算法,可以用来求算非线性方程组。-STRSCNE is a Matlab code for constrained nonlinear systems of equations F(x)=0 l<=x<=u where F: R^n--> R^n, l and u a
- Descr iption: Programme to Print first 100 Ramanujan Numbers by TWO WAYS 1st way is printing Ramunajan Numbers from RN taking RN from 0 to INFINITY and print first 100 numbers. 2nd way is to clacualte RN numbers from L M N P of formula
- This program helps in kalman hi infinity filter learning-This program helps in kalman hi infinity filter learning
- summation of 1/(i^4) as n approaches infinity
- Summation of 1/(i^4) as n approaches infinity forward
- Calculate the value of machine zero, infinity machine, machine epsilon in the regimes of single, double and extended precision on two algorithmic languages. Compare the results
- 本程序为G-S迭代法,若系数矩阵满足 1.G-S迭代矩阵谱半径小于一 2.jacobi迭代矩阵一范数或无穷范数小于一 3.系数矩阵A正定 4.系数矩阵A严格对角占优或不可约对角占优 则可返回A*x=b的解。算法迭代次数比 x=M*x+g形式的标准化迭代次数多,但所用时间少很多。-The program for the G-S iteration method, if the coefficient matrix 1.G-S iterative matrix spect
- H无穷大优化算法代码,用于计算固定阶数的控制器参数优化-HIFOO- A MATLAB package for fixed-order controller design and H-infinity optimization
- 程序首先计算数值解,然后利用特征线法计算真解,最后计算一范数误差e1以及无穷范数误差e8-First calculate the numerical solution procedure, and then use the method of characteristics to calculate the true solution, the final calculation of an error e1 norm and infinity norm error e8
- 针对一个11阶线性系统的PID LQR H无穷,极点配置控制算法仿真-For a 11-order linear system PID LQR H infinity, pole placement control algorithm simulation