- 用java编程语言实现计算器的基本运算功能,包括加、减、乘、除,以及求负、取余等,主要用到的组件有框架、面板、文本框、按钮和菜单栏等。-Basic computing capabilities of the calculator using java programming language, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and seek negative, remainder, the main comp
- 实现三输入信号计算太阳能板的参数,输出信号变化-Three input signals to calculate the parameters of the solar panels, the output signal changes
- 使用ANSYS的APDL语言仿真复合材料板的逐渐失效。。使用吴蔡失效准则模拟失效过程,并进行刚度退化。-Using the ANSYS APDL language emulation gradual failure of composite panels. . Cai Wu failure criterion using simulated failure process and conduct stiffness degradation.
- 我一直用的几何板,功能包括凸包、半平面交等-I use geometric panels, features a more comprehensive
Manual Qt-based tuning of neural function
- This is early (bun normally works) Qt 4.7/4.8-based application, released manual tuning of neural function. You can (and must :-) ) tuning numbers at first top table panel (weight of synapses) than has been coincided numbers in second and third table
- Simulink simulation of a photovoltaic panels inserted into a plant of a circuit. The use of it in a renewable energy source, this inexhaustible source , renewable and usable anywhere on the planet Earth and therefore for any human . Mathematical Mode
- Simulink simulation of a photovoltaic panels inserted into a plant of a circuit. The use of it in a renewable energy source, this inexhaustible source , renewable and usable anywhere on the planet Earth and therefore for any human . Mathematical Mode
- System Hybrid Simulink simulation of a photovoltaic panels inserted into a plant of a circuit. The use of it in a renewable energy source, this inexhaustible source , renewable and usable anywhere on the planet Earth and therefore for any human . Mat