- 汉诺塔问题: 有ABC三根柱子,A柱上有n个大小不等的盘子,大盘在下,小盘在上。要求将所有的盘子从A柱搬到C柱上,每次只能搬动一个,搬动过程中可以借助另一个柱子,但是必须满足大盘在下,小盘在上。 -Tower of Hanoi problem: There are three pillars ABC, A column has n different sizes of plates, the broader market in the next, small cap on. Requir
- 由两平行平板组成的突扩通道,尺寸如图所示。流动为层流。入口流速均匀,入口温度均匀,通道壁温均匀。分子粘性、密度已知,求:通道中流体的速度分布、温度分布、密度分布及压力场。-Formed by two parallel plates sudden expansion channel, size as shown. Flow is laminar flow. Uniform inlet velocity, inlet temperature uniformity, the channel wall
- 根据盘子分苹果。N(宏)个盘子排成一圈,其中每个盘子中有pn(输入)个苹果,对每一个盘子把pn个苹果平均分成两部分pn/2,分别放到其左右两边的盘子里,如果pn/2不是整数则把(pn+1)/2放到左边,(pn-1)/2放到右边。最后打印每个盘子中的苹果数。要求使用带数组参数的函数完成分配过程,并练习使用条件编译打印输出中间结果。-According to the plates divide the apples. N (macro) a dish lined up in a circle, ea
- 编写LISP函数解决Hanoi Tower(汉塔)问题。问题如下:梵塔内有A,B,C三个柱子,开始时A柱上有n个盘子,盘子大小不等,大的在下,小的在上。要把这n个盘子从A柱移到B柱,每次只允许移动一个盘子,且在移动过程中在3个柱子上都始终保持大盘在下,小盘在上。在移动过程中可以利用C柱,要求程序输出移动的步骤。-Write LISP function to solve the problem of Hanoi is Tower (Chinese tower). The questions are
- 有三根柱子A,B,C,A柱子上有N个盘子,从小到大依次叠放,要求把A上的盘子都移到C上,B可以作为临时存放,移动的时候必须始终遵循小盘子在大盘子上面,且每次只能移动一个盘子。-There are three pillars A, B, C, A with their N dishes, from small stacked in turn requires the plates are A move to C, B can be used as A temporary storage, move
- ANSYS 高强螺栓分析实例,两块板和一个螺栓-ANSYS high-strength bolts analysis instance, two plates and a bolt
- 计算层合板各层主应力,主应变,及层合板失效强度和极限强度-The layers of laminated plate are calculated principal stress, principal strain, and the failure strength and ultimate strength of laminated plates
- 用excel计算层合板失效强度及极限强度-Laminated plates was calculated by the excel failure strength and ultimate strength
- nonlinear dynamic analysis source code using brick element to analyze reinforced concrete structures beams plates and shell can be analyzed using this source code nonlinearity is taken through the cracking of concrete yielding of steel crushing of
- 有限元数值方法求解平面应力问题,是弹性力学问题求解的初学者的必备。-Plane stress analysis of plates of a thin plate under tension at its extremes by using FEM.
- This the README file for the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) Matlab code. The code supports one, two and three dimensional linear elasticity problems. Extended IGA for hole, inclusion and crack modelling is also implemented. Structural mechanics p