- 吸收系数是进行储层描述和油气预测时的一个重要参数 ,它对岩性变化具有很高的灵敏性。结合层位解释结果从地震资料中提取该层位地层吸收系数的空间分布对于提高油藏描述及油气预测精度具有重要作用 ,并可与其它地震、测井和地质信息相结合直接用于圈定油气分布范围 ,估算储量-Absorption coefficient is an important parameter in the reservoir descr iption and hydrocarbon prediction. It is very s
- 基于VC6.0 MFC开发的一元二次方程的解答。 可以解答任意一元二次方程的根,并汇出抛物线图,对于MFC初学者有很大作用。-Developed based on VC6.0 MFC answers a quadratic equation. Can answer any of the root of a quadratic equation, and export the parabolic map, plays a significant role for MFC beginners.
- FORTRAN,亦译为福传,是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。 -FORTRAN, also translated as evangelization, in English "FORmula TRANslator" acronym, translated as "formula translator",
- FORTRAN,亦译为福传,是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。 -FORTRAN, also translated as evangelization, in English "FORmula TRANslator" acronym, translated as "formula translator",
- 最速下降法又称为梯度法,是1847 年由著名数学家Cauchy 给出的,它是解析法中最古老的一种,其他解析方法或是它的变形,或是受它的启发而得到的,因此它是最优化方法的基础。作为一种基本的算法,他在最优化方法中占有重要地位。-The steepest descent method called gradient method, is 1847 by famous mathematician Cauchy given, it is the most ancient of analytical me
- IMMOVIEFOLDER records a movie from a group of image files in a specified folder, and plays it
- These days, optical networks worldwide have been widely deployed in various network scales, including long-haul backbone and metropolitan areas, as well as regional broadband access. In order to assure a certain quality of service and a service-l