- Saturation and Ferroresonance with Program ATPDRAW
- 根据输入伽马、电阻率、声波等测井值计算储层孔隙度,渗透率,含水饱和度和泥质含量-According to the input gamma, resistivity, acoustic logging values to calculate reservoir porosity, permeability, water saturation and shale content
- 银纳米阵列变波长光致发光曲线饱和光强拟合-Silver Nano array variable wavelength photoluminescence intensity saturation curve fitting
- 进化次数限制; 计算耗费的资源限制(例如计算时间、计算占用的内存等); 一个个体已经满足最优值的条件,即最优值已经找到; 适应度已经达到饱和,继续进化不会产生适应度更好的个体; 人为干预; 以及以上两种或更多种的组合。-Limiting the number of evolution resource limits (e.g., computation time to calculate the amount of memory, etc.) the cost calcul
- 水、水蒸气热力计算,TSK.m 求某下压力饱和温度。 PSK.m 某温度下饱和压力。 HS.m 已知比焓、比熵,求其它性质。 PX.m 已知压力、干度,求其它性质。 PV.m 已知压力、比熵,求其它性质。 PTG.m 已知压力、温度,求饱和汽、过热蒸汽的性质。 PTF.m 已知压力、温度,求饱和水、过冷水的性质。 PT.m 已知压力、温度,求其它性质。 PS.m 已知压力、比熵,求其它性质。 PH.m 已知压力、比焓,求其它性质-TSK.m seeking a
- 自己写的参数化的round和clip数据处理verilog程序,支持有符号数,数学计算时,经常会做饱和截位处理,用这个程序非常方便-Write your own parameterized rand and clip data processing verilog program, with signed numbers, when mathematical calculations, often do saturation cut-bit processing, this program is
- 用matlab编写的一维两相渗流数值模拟程序,采用隐压显饱法求解含水饱和度和压力,适合油藏数模编程初学者!-Using matlab to prepare a one-dimensional two-phase flow simulation program, the use of implicit pressure explicit saturation method for solving water saturation and pressure reservoir for the D p
gain saturation in mode locked laser
- 用于计算锁模激光腔中增益饱和强度,用于锁模激光(For calculating the gain saturation intensity in a mode-locked laser cavity for a mode locke)