- AQUILA is a MATLAB toolbox for the one- or twodimensional simulation of %the electronic properties of GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor %nanostructures. -AQUILA is a MATLAB toolbox for the one - or tw odimensional simulation of the electronic pr% operti
- 采用有限元法计算半导体的带隙结构和波函数。-using the finite element method to calculate the bandgap semiconductor structure and the wave function.
- 主要用于计算半导体激光器调制的程序;可以针对常用的半导体激光器的调制进行数值分析-mainly used in the calculation of the semiconductor laser modulation procedures; can address common semiconductor laser modulation Numerical Analysis
- 由美国圣母大学Jena教授及其学生编写的关于计算半导体迁移率的matlab一系列脚本文件。-Jena professor from the University of Notre Dame and his students prepare for the calculation of a series of semiconductor mobility matlab scr ipt file.
- 由美国SANDIA实验室一名研究员编写的用于计算半导体量子纳米线的一系列matlab文件。-SANDIA laboratory by the American researcher prepared a semiconductor quantum nanowire used to calculate a series of matlab file.
- Angel-r41由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工steiger博士编写的用非平衡态格林函数计算半导体量子输运的C++代码-Angel41 by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, prepared by Dr. steiger with non-equilibrium Green' s function calculations of semiconductor quantum transport C++ code
- KLA-Tencor has an openings for an Applications Development Engineers in its EBEAM/WIN/Surfscan divisions, which designs and manufactures review equipment for semiconductor manufacturing industry. Based in Chennai, India, the Applications Engineer wil
- 这是用四阶龙格库塔法计算半导体激光器速率方程的工程,源代码用C语言书写,开发平台为VC6.0。程序输出数据被写入文件SLdata.txt中,其中第一列为仿真时间,第二列为载流子浓度,第三列为光子密度。为了方便更多相关开发者调试,还提供了一个matlab源文件test.m。test.m用于将计算数据在matlab中用曲线显示。-This is project developed by Visual C++ 6.0 software platform, which uses the 4th orde
- Modelling and Characterization of Laterally-Coupled DistributedFeedback Laser and Semiconductor Optical Amplifier