- 利用MATLAB对神经网络进行编程,用newff()创建两层前向网络。网络输入范围[-1 1],第一层有10个tansig神经元-using MATLAB right neural network programming with newff () to the creation of a two-tier network. Network input range [-1 1], the first layer 10 tansig neurons
- Matlab 下 BP 神经网络的举例及详细说明。美国大学的一个实验。 虽然是 PDF文件,但程序可以直接粘贴下来运行。,The process to train and test a designed MLP neural network : 1) We make training patterns and test patterns. 2) A network architecture should be defined by newff MATLAB function with th
- Matlab中BP神经网络的构建和初始化训练前馈网络的第一步是建立网络对象。函数newff建立一个可训练的前馈网络。这需要4个输入参数。第一个参数是一个Rx2的矩阵以定义R个输入向量的最小值和最大值。第二个参数是一个颟顸每层神经元个数的数组。第三个参数是包含每层用到的转移函数名称的细胞数组。最后一个参数是用到的训练函数的名称。 -matlab bp
- 人脸识别,基于神经网络,代码很精练。 NEWFF——生成一个新的前向神经网络 TRAIN——对 BP 神经网络进行训练 SIM——对 BP 神经网络进行仿真 - The NEWFF- Generate a new feedforward neural network TRAIN- BP neural network training, the SIM- BP Neural Network Simulation
- feed forward neural network trained using several methods,then efficiency of each method represented at the end
- 实现神经网络预测,对于学习英文BP是很好入门例子。-Realization of neural network prediction, learning English is a good example of the entry BP. Realization of neural network prediction, learning English is a good example of the entry BP.
- MATLAB 实现的BP神经网络,没有使用newff函数,自行编写的程序,还有多种改进算法。-MATLAB BP neural network, there is no use newff function, its own written procedures, there are many kinds of improved algorithm.
- 识别印刷体26个大写英文字母的训练网络(任意五个字母),用newff或feedforwardnet构建(A training network (any five letters) that identifies 26 letters of English letters in a printed form, constructed with newff or feedforwardnet)
- bp神经网络模型训练,简单的三层二级网络(bp train bp modelbp train bp modelbpbp train bp model train bp modelbp train bp modelbp train bp modelbp train bp model)