- he AutoMix package is a C program for Unix-like systems, implementing the automatic reversible jump MCMC sampler of the same name described in Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of David Hastie s Ph.D. thesis-he AutoMix package is a C program for Unix-l ike s
- matlab仿真dpd,预失真的算法,在读博士仿真源码,包括volterra,saleh,多项式。-matlab simulation dpd, pre-distortion algorithm, Ph.D. simulation source code, including the volterra, saleh, polynomials.
- 卡文迪许实验室的 D. J. Mackay 教授在读博期间编写的验证Bayesian和Neural网络的C语言程序/软件包。在Ubuntu8.04-Linux下面可以正常编译并计算结果。文件中含有部分试验所用过的数据!-Professor D. J. Mackay of Cavendish Laboratory. When he was a Ph.D student, he wrote this codes for validating Bayesian and Neural Networks
- 这是一篇关于岩石力学的博士论文 svm及其在矿井突水信息处理中的应用与研究-This is a doctoral thesis on rock mechanics and mine water inrush svm Information Processing Research
- 本程序是采用神经网络和BP算法对澄清PH值进行建模。-This procedure is based on neural network and BP algorithm to clarify the PH value of modeling.
- 画图算法。包括作者博士学习期间对有向无环图的基于遗传算法的画法的论文和源码。如有兴趣,你可以加入自己的想法,拓展这一领域的研究。-Graph Drawing. Ph.D. research work. Used to draw directed acyclic graphs by genetic algorithms.
- 应用多权值神经网络方法对静态手势进行识别, 对手势字母图像采用傅里叶描述子提取特征信息, 取低频信息成分构建成犯维特征向量, 并应用多权值神经网络的算法, 构建各类的神经元网络-W ith th e develo Pm en t of hu m an eom p uter intera etion te ehn olo盯, th e h as been b ased on an im P o rt a n t tas k fo r U r o n s diseu ssion
- 模糊聚类新算法的研究与应用,这势必一篇博士毕业论文,总结了博士研究期间的一些成果,对于学习聚类的同学们有很大的帮助-Research and application of fuzzy clustering algorithm, which is bound to a Ph.D. thesis, summarizes some of the results of the PhD study period, a great help for students learning clustering
- [原创]混沌分析,聚类分析,支持向量机,群体智能优化,深度学习(卷积神经网络)Matlab工具箱全开源版本下载 作者: 陆振波 毕业院校:海军工程大学,船舶与海洋工程(水声工程),博士 精通方向:信号处理,图像处理,人工智能,模式识别,支持向量机,深度学习,机器学习,机器视觉,群体智能,非线性与混沌,Matlab与VC++混编,大数据 擅长技能:团队激励,战略规划,企业文化,组织架构,C,C++,Matlab,OpenCV,并行计算,图像处理,智能视觉,卷积神经网络,人脸检测,行