- 采用OpenCV进行人脸识别,隐马尔科夫链的应用,由混合分量来分割HMM的每个内在状态的所有观测值,运用现有的图像观测值分割为所有嵌入和内部的HMM函数,计算可能的变换矩阵-Using OpenCV for face recognition, hidden Markov chain applications, from the mixed components to split the internal state of each HMM all observations, use of the
- Design and Use of Steerable Filters PAMI1991文章的代码,含有测试图像和demo,可运行-It implements a steerable Gaussian filter. This m-file can be used to evaluate the first directional derivative of an image, using the method outlined in: W. T. Freeman and E. H.
- 基于自组织神经网络的人脸识别代码 X.Tan, S.Chen, Z.-H. Zhou, and F. Zhang, Recognizing Partially Occluded, Expression Variant Faces from Single Training Image per Person with SOM-Based kNN Ensemble. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.2005, 16(4): 875-886.-X.Tan,
- 多模多实例多类标LDA的代码。参考文献:C.-T. Nguyen, D.-C. Zhan, and Z.-H. Zhou. Multi-modal image annotation with multi-instance multi-label LDA. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 13), Beijing, China, 2013.
- CNN - 主程序 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox 作者:陆振波 电子