- every function has its own help which can be obtained by typing \"help name\" where \"name\" is the function, e.g. \"help fcm\"-every function has its own help which can be obtained by typing "help name" where "name" is t he fu
- 神经网络训练,应用matlab7NN包,用一个隐藏层使用5折交叉验证。-Training the Neural Network This scr ipt is something that I did for a course at Uni. It uses the Neural Networking package provided with MatLab 7 unfortunately I m not sure if it s available with the earlier ve
- 基于生物地理优化进化算法(BBO)代码,以及几组测试函数;使用方法: 输入BBO(@函数名),如BBO(@QuarticDisc) )-matlab code for biography-based algorithm. The software can be run by typing the following MATLAB command: BBO(@"function name")
- 联系打字,指法,已调好,程序已生成,附带算法,实验报告-Link typing, fingering, has adjusted well, the program has generated, with algorithms, test report .....
- 基于等距映射( ISOMAP) 非线性降维算法, 提出了一种新的基于用户击键特征的用户身份认证算法, 该算法用测地距离代 替传统的欧氏距离, 作为样本向量之间的距离度量, 在用户击键特征向量空间中挖掘嵌入的低维黎曼流形, 进行用户识别。用采集 到的1 500 个击键模式数据进行实验测试, 结果表明, 该文的算法性能优于现有的同类算法, 其错误拒绝率( FRR) 和错误通过率 ( FAR) 分别是1.65 和0 , 低于现有的同类算法。-Based isometric map (ISO
- 一个简单的卷积神经网络与线性神经元。 结构:输入- >卷积- > max池- >卷积- > max池- >完全连接。 编译c++马克斯池功能首先输入“墨西哥人MaxPooling.cpp”。 数据可以在http://ai.stanford.edu/下载~ amaas /数据/ data.zip 可以在http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Using_the_MNIST_Dataset下载的数据加载函数