- The X, Y and Z matrix arguments can be used exactly as in the surf and mesh functions. But attention to the colors, because DXF fiels do not uses RGB palete. Instead they use a scaled color palete between 0 and 255.
- this matlab code for read dxf file-this is matlab code for read dxf file
- 可以通过matlab读取平面CAD图形,可以在此基础上修改读取更复杂的图形
- 将matlab中的三维数据导成autocad可读的dxf格式-The three-dimensional data matlab lead into autocad dxf readable format
The DFA algorithm is a scaling analysis method used to estimate long-range temporal correlations.
- The Detrended flctuation analsysis (DFA) algorithm is a scaling analysis method used to estimate long-range temporal correlations of power-law form. In other words, if a sequence of events has a non-random temporal structure with slowly decaying auto