- 医学信号处理实验指导--对ECG信号的处理-目的是对ECG信号进行预处理,以便将其进一步应用到于心电的自动检测;本次实验还包括心率的求取 -medical signal processing experimental guidance -- right ECG signal processing - is designed to ECG signal preconditioning in order to further its application of ECG in the autom
- 利用matlab仿真金属圆柱体内电磁波分布,有助于掌握电磁波的传播情况。 把程序文档放入matlab的默认读取文档中,打开Cwave.m。Cwave.m是演示程序,由它调用其它函数。其中Z表示Kz*z,范围为0~2*pi。默认取2*pi为一个周期,num表示在一个周期内平均取多少个Kz*z值,默认为50(计算后每个值如Er都有五十幅图)。CWaveGuideCaculate函数用于计算Er,Efia,Hr,Hfia,Hz等值。CWaveGuideShow用于三维显示计算后得到的值,可以比较生
- 分割算法 1.mean shift 的迭代过程只做了一次(为了简单) 2.对图像中的某一点进行平移时,只考虑了距离它小于2*hr的点,而不是图像中所有的 点。 3.实验过程中只用到了gauss核,虽然提供了method的选择,但在进行值域加权时只用 到gauss核,如果需要请自己改正。-mean shift algorithm
- Modelo de dos rayos de Andrea Goldsmith (figura 2.5, según expresión 2.12) f = 0.9 frecuencia en GHz landa = 0.3/f en m R = -1 coeficiente de reflexión en tierra ht = 10 altura del transmisor en m hr = 2 altura del receptor en m Gt
- kground: Abnormally high CSF 3-OMD occurs frequently for RLS patients indicating either increased L-dopa synthesis, limitations in L-dopa decarboxylation or increased MAT/COMT activity, or some combination of these. Increased tyrosine hydroxylase
myrasdar visit 6
- The function “ clutter_rcs.m” It also generates plots of the clutter RCS and the CNR ver- sus the radar slant range. Its outputs include the clutter RCS in dBsm and the CNR in dB. The syntax is as follows: [sigmaC,CNR] = clutter_rcs(sigma0,
- there are so many methods in chennel modeling,out of them we consider mainly rayleigh fading,here by default i will take a doppler shift of 120 km/hr..you can change according to your desired..thank u
- 一个HR模型的ISI分岔matlab程序,效率比较慢,但是效果特别好-one HRmodel ISI bifcation
image restore
- E-Cruitment Solutions is an ISO 9001:2008 certified HR & Software Development Company growing irreversibly in the field of Human Resource ,Web Design, Software Development, E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimization. We provide solutions for compl
- 用matlab实现了对Hindmarsh-Rose神经元模型各个参数的仿真。包括了HR神经元模型和主程序,下载即可执行。-Hindmarsh-Rose neuron is analyzed with matlab
- Code for PPG signal to estimate the HR of subjects doing intense exercises
- Code for PPG signal to estimate the HR of subjects doing intense exercises
- extract HR,能获得摄像头呼吸,非常准确非常准确(extract HR can get breath from camera, very very good)