- Numerical approximation rn of the definite integral from a to b that is obtained with the aid of Romberg s method with n rows and n columns.
- RN feed-fordward, para realizar redes neuronales fordwar, se utiliza la funcion de activacion sigmoideal
- 本实验目的是了解非参数估计—Parzen窗估计,对表格3中的数据进行Parzen窗估计和设计分类器.Parzen窗方法:假设区间Rn是一个d维的超立方体,hn表示超立方体的边长,体积为Vn=hnd。-Purpose of this study is to understand the non-parametric estimation-Parzen window estimate of the data in Table 3 Parzen window estimate and design c
- 单纯形法,求解线性规划问题的通用方法。单纯形是美国数学家G.B.丹齐克于1947年首先提出来的。它的理论根据是:线性规划问题的可行域是 n维向量空间Rn中的多面凸集,其最优值如果存在必在该凸集的某顶点处达到。顶点所对应的可行解称为基本可行解。单纯形法的基本思想是:先找出一个基本可行解,对它进行鉴别,看是否是最优解;若不是,则按照一定法则转换到另一改进的基本可行解,再鉴别;若仍不是,则再转换,按此重复进行。因基本可行解的个数有限,故经有限次转换必能得出问题的最优解。如果问题无最优解也可用此法判别。
- iris fisher classifier
- 中继节点辅助的D2D通信传输模式切换 .pdf-RN assisted D2D communication transmission mode switching .pdf
leach protocol
- Wireless sensor networks are composed of a large number of disposable wireless sensors that collect information about their surrounding environment and transmit them to the end user. Because these sensors do not have rechargeable batteries, increasin
- 计算层状大地水平电偶源第一层状系数、第二层状系数及Ex、Hy电磁效应函数(The first layer coefficient, the second layer coefficient and the electromagnetic effect function of Ex and Hy are calculated)
Simulation on Rn
- 利用蒙特卡洛模拟做在消息网络中数据包传输数量的预测,基于的原理是传染病传输模型的二项性。(This coding is based on Monte Carlo dissemination, which targets at the prediction of number of packets being delivered in a network. This whole process is based on the bimodal behavior of epidemic algorit