- This a simple slant transform codin..Enjoy-This is a simple slant transform codin..Enjoy
- 1.本程序是自己刚刚接触SAR时编写的时域星载SAR点目标回波仿真,包含了卫星轨道模型、计算星目斜距时用到的各种坐标系转换、SAR回波计算模型以及简单的SAR成像模型,希望对初学者有所帮助。 2.相应的参考资料可查找《卫星轨道姿态动力学与控制》及《魏钟铨_合成孔径雷达卫星》;-1. This program is just contact with their own prepared when the time domain SAR spaceborne SAR point target
- QR码作为一种可高速、全方位识别的二维条码,已经在各行各业中得到了应用,并具有很大发展潜力.本文针对QR码图像的识别过程中可能遇到的图像噪声干扰、QR码占实际拍摄图像的一部分、倾斜、几何失真等问题进行了研究,提出了通过改进型中值滤波去除噪声,使用QR码符号特性定位并对倾斜图像进行旋转,对失真不严重的图像采用控制点变换和双线性插值方法进行几何校正.实验证明, 本文的方法简单有效, 可以用于提高条码的正确识别率.-As a high-speed, full identification of th
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- The function “ clutter_rcs.m” It also generates plots of the clutter RCS and the CNR ver- sus the radar slant range. Its outputs include the clutter RCS in dBsm and the CNR in dB. The syntax is as follows: [sigmaC,CNR] = clutter_rcs(sigma0,
- Function reconstructs an estimate of a surface from its surface normals by correlating the surface normals with that those of a bank of shapelet basis functions. The correlation results are summed to produce the reconstruction. The sumation of shapel
- 内含:1)在同一纬度下不同斜距时比较重力简易算法和拉普拉斯算法的误差曲线;2)在同一斜距不同纬度下两种重力算法的误差曲线。内含各自的运行程序。-Contains: 1) under the same latitude different slant distance compare gravity simple algorithm and error curve of the Laplace algorithm 2) in the same slope distance under diffe
- slant spectrum Trnsformation