- matlab tiế ng Việ t tự họ c-matlab tiế ng Việ t tự họ c
- 用积分最小值准则来求P,PI,PID的个参数,其中Gc是校正器的传递函数,kp为比例系数, Ti为积分时间常数,Td为微分时间常数,输入参量vars为带迟滞--惯性环节模型的[K T τ],已知参数k=vars(1);T=vars(2);ι=vars(3),iC=vars(4) -Minimum criteria of integral seeking P, PI, PID' s parameters, which Gc is the corrector transfer function
- 用Cohen--Coon整定公式来求P,PI,PID的个参数,其中Gc是校正器的传递函数,kp为比例系数, Ti为积分时间常数,Td为微分时间常数,输入参量vars为带迟滞--惯性环节模型的KT τ 输入参量vars为带迟滞--惯性环节的K T ι,已知参数k=vars(1);T=vars(2);ι=vars(3)。-With Cohen- Coon tuning formula to seek P, PI, PID' s parameters, which Gc is the corre
- 报童问题(负指数分布) 几个参数: 卖出报纸挣a元,退回报纸赔b元 卖报量y,订报量z,订报量上限z_up 观察期的总天数t,用于积累天数的ti 总的平均损失量ave_loss,供过于求损失loss1,供小于求损失loss2,ave_loss=loss1+loss2 最佳订报量superz,最小损失量ave_loss_min -newsvender
- region growing: Perform segmentation by region grow1ng. [G, NR, SI, TI] = REGIONGROW(F, SR, T). Scan be an array (the same size as F) with a 1 at the coord1nates of every seed point and 0s elsewhere. S can also be a single seed value. Similarly, T
- 一个简单的matlab程序。作用是用快速傅里叶变换(FFT),对心电信号去基线漂移。传统的去基线漂移方法没有提到FFt,只不过效果的确不太好。-Translate From: Chinese To: English ChineseEnglishSpanishTranslate text or webpage 一个简单的matlab程序。作用是用快速傅里叶变换(FFT),对心电信号去基线漂移。传统的去基线漂移方法没有提到FFt,只不过效果的确不太好。 Allow phoneti
Nhận dạng âm thanh
- Nhận dạng tiếng nói từ loa trực tiếp laptop
- ECG waveform generator for MATLAB [s, ipeaks] = ecgsyn(sfecg,N,Anoise,hrmean,hrstd,lfhfratio,sfint,ti,ai,bi) Produces synthetic ECG with the following outputs: s: ECG (mV) ipeaks: labels for PQRST peaks: P(1), Q(2), R(3), S(4)
- a direct solving T.D system in TI form / with both scalar and matrix, state matrix