lnipls v2.1
- lniplsv2_1.zip
- 七单元天线阵DOA估计 clear clc d=1 天线阵元的间距 lma=2 信号中心波长 q1=1*pi/4 q2=1*pi/3 q3=1*pi/6 q4=3*pi/4 四输入信号的方向 A1=[exp(-2*pi*j*d*[0:6]*cos(q1)/lma)] 求阵因子 A2=[exp(-2*pi*j*d*[0:6]*cos(q2)/lma)] A3=[exp(-2*pi*j*d*[0:6]*cos(q3)/lma)] A4=[exp(-2*
- 本程序是基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡尔理论的贝叶斯工具。版本为MCMC Methods for MLP and GP and Stuff (for Matlab) V2.1 -A collection of matlab functions for Bayesian inference with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The purpose of this toolbox was to port some of the features in
- PURPOSE: MCMC estimates Bayesian heteroscedastic AR(k) model imposing stability restrictions using Gibbs sampling y = b0 + y(t-1) b1 + y(t-2) b2 +,...,y(t-k) bk + E, E = N(0,sige*V), sige = gamma(nu,d0), b = N(c,T), V = diag(v1,v2,...
- matlab编写的用于串口通信的助手,版本号为V2.1,很不错的GUI编程例子-A communication assistant which is writed by matlab.
- 七单元天线阵MUSIC DOA估计: d=1 , 天线阵元的间距; lma=2, 信号中心波长; 四输入信号; A=[A1,A2,A3,A4], 得出A矩; 四信号的频率d=[1.3*cos(v1*n) 1*sin(v2*n) 1*sin(v3*n) 1*sin(v4*n)] 构造输入信号矢量 U=A*d 总的输入信号 总输入信号的协方差矩阵 [s,h]=eig(c) 求协方差的特征矢量及特征值 取出与零特征
- GUI设计俄罗斯方块优化版V2.0 按键说明: W、向上箭头、小键盘5:变换形状; A、向左箭头、小键盘1:左移; S、向下箭头、小键盘2:快速下移; D、向右箭头、小键盘3:右移;-GUI design optimized version of Tetris V2.0 Key Descr iption: W, Up Arrow, keypad 5: Transform shape A, left arrow, keypad 1: left S, Down arrow,
- GUI设计俄罗斯方块优化版V2.0 按键说明: W、向上箭头、小键盘5:变换形状; A、向左箭头、小键盘1:左移; S、向下箭头、小键盘2:快速下移; D、向右箭头、小键盘3:右移; 空格键:暂停;-Key note: W, up arrow, small keyboard 5: Transform shape A, left arrow, small keyboard 1: left S, down arrow, small keyboard 2: fa
- 非线性滤波工具箱(nft) 包括: 1. Kalman filter 2. Extended Kalman filter 3. Iterated Kalman filter 4. Second order filter 5. Unscented Kalman filter 6. Divided difference filters 7. Central Difference Filter 8. Gaussian sum method 9. Point
- DACE工具箱,Kriging源程序的介绍,对于初学者很好的资料。(The introduction of Kriging)