- 1.1 背包问题 有一个徒步旅行者,已知他能承受的旅行背包的重量不超过a(kg)。设有n种物品可供他选择装入背包,这n种物品分别编号为1,2,…,n。其中第i种物品每件的重量为ai(kg),其使用价值(指一件第i种物品对旅行者来说所带来的好处的一种数量指标)为ci(i=1,2,…,n)。问这位旅行者应如何选择携带这n种物品的件数,使得总价值最大? -1.1 knapsack problem is a hikers. he is known to travel to withstand t
- 给定n种物品和一个背包,物品i的重量是Wi,价值是vi,被包容量是C,应该如何选择装入被包的物品,使得装入背包中物品的总价值最大?对于每种物品i,只有两种选择,装入或者不装入. 输入:第一行两个正整数n(物品数)和C(容量) 第二行n个正整数n,表示物品价值 第三行n个正整数n,表示物品重量 输出:第一行表示总价值 第二行n个数(0/1),0表示物品不装入,1表示装入 例如, 输入: 5 10 6 3 5 4 6 2 2 6 5 4 输出 15 1 1 0 0 1 ,
- C++源代码,递归实现。原问题描述:鼓上蚤时迁到一个山洞里去盗宝,里面有n件宝贝,价值分别是a1,a2......an,并且满足ai大于a1+a2+....+a(i-1)的和。他身上有一个背包,能装的东西最大价值是K,他只能进洞一次,请问他最多能带出多少? 要求:输入K,n,a1,a2......an 输出:他能最多带出的宝物价值 -C++ Source code Recursive achieve. The original problem descr iption: drum
- 实现背包的最有装载,可以实现背包的最有价值-The realization of the most loaded backpack, the backpack can be the most valuable
- 背包类问题浅析和一些背包类问题的解答源程序。-Knapsack-type problem and some of the answers to questions backpack source category.
- 有N件物品和一个容量为V的背包。第i件物品的费用是c,价值是w。求解将哪些物品装入背包可使这些物品的费用总和不超过背包容量,且价值总和最大。-There are N items and a knapsack capacity of V' s. No. i is the cost of items c, the value of w. Solving items into the backpack which will enable the cost of these items does
- 一个基于c++环境利用背包法求最优解的算法,-Based on c++ environment using the optimal solution method backpack algorithms,
- 已知N种物品和一个容纳重量为M的背包,每种物品均有自己的重量和效益值,假设这N种物品的重量和有可能大于M,这种情况下,选择哪种物品装入背包能获得最大效益值-Are known to have n kinds of goods and a weight capacity of M, backpacks, each item has its own weight and efficiency values, assume that n kinds of goods may be greater th
- 粒子群算法解决0-1背包问题,对于n个体积为aj、价值分别为cj的物品,如何将它们装入总体积为b的背包中,使得所选物品的总价值最大。-Particle swarm algorithm to solve the 0-1 knapsack problem, for n volume for aj, value for cj items, how they are loaded in the total volume of the backpack, b, making the total value
- 背包问题,用PSO解背包a=[95 4 60 32 23 72 80 62 65 46] 物品的体积 c=[55 10 47 5 4 50 8 61 85 87] 物品的价值 b=269 背包的重量限制-Knapsack problem, PSO solutions backpack a = [95 4 60 32 23 72 80 62 65 46] the volume of goods c = 55 10 47 5 4 50 8 61 85 87] b = 269 valu
- 背囊优化问题主要用于解决如何使野外训练中背囊内物品价值最大化的研究。我们引入背包问题的基本模型,具体结合两种实际情况,分别应用贪婪算法以及粒子群算法,得出了满足约束条件的满意解。-Backpack optimization problem to solve how to maximize the value of items in the backpack field training. We introduce the basic model of the knapsack problem,
- Backpack Genetic Algorithm for knapsack problem
- PSO背包問題 用PSO求解背包問題 對於n個體積為aj、價值分別為cj的物品,如何將它們裝入總體積為b的背包中,使得所選物品的總價值最大。-PSO PSO knapsack problem using knapsack problem for n volume aj, respectively cj value items, how they can be loaded into a total volume of b backpack, making the total value
- Backpack Genetic Algorithm Beta Version
- Backpack Genetic Algorithm
- 用粒子群算法解决0/1背包问题,解决在背包体积有限的情况下,如何最大化的实现有效资源分配-Solve knapsack problem with particle swarm algorithm to solve the limited volume of the backpack, how to maximize the efficient allocation of resources to achieve
- Resolution of the problem backpack
- backpack algorithm example by matlab
- 适合解决单背包问题,内涵主程序和调用主程序的格式以及测试文件-Suitable single knapsack problem solving, as well as the test file format connotation main program and call the main program