- matlab模拟buffon投针并求pi值-matlab simulation buffon needle cast and find the value of pi
- Circles We can extend the Hough transform to other shapes that can be expressed parametrically. For example, a circle of fixed radius can be described fully by the location of its center (x, y). Think of each feature (edge) point on the circle
- function ret = Int2Hex(var) Prints integer array to hexadecimal string varType = class(var) cast signness away: if ( u ~= varType(1) ) varType = [ u varType] var = typecast(var,varType) end nBits = str2double(
- 数值随机化算法计算圆周率,面积法投点计算,利用matlab,绘出不同投点下的计算结果-Randomized algorithm to calculate the value of pi, cast-point calculation of area method, using matlab, plot points under different investment results
- Illumination is one of the most significant factors affecting the appearance of an image. It often leads to diminished structures or inhomogeneous intensities of the image due to different albedos (texture) of the object surface and the shado
- 蒲丰投针实验matlab程序,有详细的中文注释和例程,可以学习。-Po Fung cast the needle experiment matlab program, with detailed notes and routines of the Chinese, you can learn.
- 根据运动合成原理建立了轻质杆在斜抛(包括竖直上抛)运动中质心和端点的运动方程,用动画演示了质心的斜抛运动和两个端点的运动轨迹,并显示了杆在一定时刻的位置。-Established in accordance with the composite theory of the movement in oblique light pole throw (cast on the vertical) movement of the centroid and the equation of motion
- 布丰投针的函数,蒙特卡洛方法求解pi的近似值-Buffon cast pin function Monte Carlo method for solving an approximation of pi
- 瑞利分布信号直方图的产生已经仿真,已经调试通过。-Rayleigh distribution histogram has generated signal simulation, debugging has been passed.
- 用matlab做的蒲丰投针动态仿真实验。用了GUI。投针预测Pi的值。-Using matlab to do Buffon needle cast of dynamic simulation. With a GUI. Needle cast predictive value of Pi.