- In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial Co
- 6自由度puma机器人仿真程序源码。This is PUMA3d.M, a 3D Matlab Kinematic model of a Puma robot located in the robotics lab of Walla Walla University. The file uses CAD data converted to Matlab using cad2matdemo.m, which is located on the Mathworks central file ex
- SeDuMi 是一个求解半正定规划的算法包,这是项目最新发布的源代码。-Welcome to SeDuMi 1.3 SeDuMi is a Matlab Toolbox for Linear, Second order, Semidefinite or mixed problems. It can handle free variables and complex data as well. To obtain the latest version of SeDuMi,
- ou can use this M-file as a guideline for implementing CRC code generation using the Communications Toolbox functionality. This M-file does not include the error detection process, but you can easily use the process specified below to perform the CRC
- CONSX—这是一个主要子程序,调用其它于程序及输出中间结果 * !* CHECK—检查所有的点是否满足约束条件,对违背约束的点进行校正 * !* CENTR—计算中心点 * !* FUNC —目标函数,由用户提供 * - PROGRAM COMPLEX PARAMETER(N=3,M=4,K=6) DIMENSION X(K,M),R(K,N),F(K),G(M),H(M),XC(N) INTEGER GAMMA OPEN(4,FILE= COMPDA
- matlab file for cut and copy and paste....check it out
- java file in matlab....check this out...enjoy....have fun
- The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB- This code is written by M.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB to Turkish (yo
- Check this file for sensor
- 本文件为MATLAB GUI设计简单例程,包括两个源文件(.m和.fig),还有可供查询的文本文件和Exel表格。其功能为查询txt及Exel文件格式的学生成绩。-This document is designed to be simple routines MATLAB GUI, including the two source files (. M and. Fig), there is a text file and available for query Exel form. Txt,
- this file try to match the two images of eye. this workout for the iris recognition. you have to select one image of eye. then you have to select the other image of eye. then comparison takes place to check whether they are matching or not-this fil
- 使用此函数来提取一个地理坐标输入字符串了。该功能非常灵活,因此,协调可能位于任何地方的字符串,并可能有许多的格式之一。 例子: txt2coord( 100 ° 7 30“宽 ) txt2coord( 100 ° 7 30 w 的) txt2coord( -100 ° 7 30“ ) txt2coord( 100 ° 75 w 的) txt2coord( 100 .125 °以西 ) txt2coord( 喇嘛100 °,7分钟 30 S喇嘛 )
- matlab file is use to just liquild volumn, now need you to help check it.
- 对SWAN输出文件进行数据处理及图像输出-SWAN output file, data processing and image output
- LDPC Encoder and Parity check matrix file for Chinese Digital Tv transmission-LDPC Encoder and Parity check matrix file for Chinese Digital Tv transmission..
- EM算法在神经网络中的应用,可以用来进行视频数据分类。-In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Wil
- Abstract: The six degrees of freedom motion platform location, Matlab/Simulink laboratory developed anti-solution modeling, simulation, analysis, on a platform heave, vertical swing, sway, pitch, roll and yawing sixdegrees of freedom on the direction
- Based on procedures as explained in Lattice Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models by Wolf Gladrow code may have errors as it is my first experience with LBM.Readers are suggested to check the code for errors.For feedback vinu
- I am sure that you gonna like it. It is reading file.Check it.
- matlab file related to LOAD scheduling in power systems