- 模拟噪声的程序,可以根据需要改写,主要功能是实现噪声模型-Additive Noise Channel/Additive Guassian Noise Channel is the simplest of all channels. File usage details: op_channel = additivenoise(input_signal) mathematical Model: s(t) input signal to channel (=sig_ip) n(
- MATLAB GUI图形开发程序教程MATLAB GUI development process graphics tutorial-MATLAB GUI development process graphics tutorial MATLAB GUI development process graphics tutorial
- Project Management with the IBM(R) Rational Unified Proce-Project Management with the IBM(R) Rational Unified Process
- 设r是f(x) = 0的根,选取x0作为r初始近似值,过点(x0,f(x0))做曲线y = f(x)的切线L,L的方程为y = f(x0)+f (x0)(x-x0),求出L与x轴交点的横坐标 x1 = x0-f(x0)/f (x0),称x1为r的一次近似值。过点(x1,f(x1))做曲线y = f(x)的切线,并求该切线与x轴交点的横坐标 x2 = x1-f(x1)/f (x1),称x2为r的二次近似值。重复以上过程,得r的近似值序列,其中x(n+1)=x(n)-f(x(n))/f (x(n))
- A COM based interface that allows you to call R functions from within MATLAB. The functions are: openR - Connect to an R server process. evalR - Run an R command. getRdata - Copies an R variable to MATLAB. putRdata - Copies MATLAB data to
- 迭代学习控制程序,适用于初学迭代学习控制的人,-The process of Ifjsf askfd sa klfd js lskjdl fn kjas ldfj ldsfk kd lfdk dkf d d dfljmdfkpe e e rer e re er e r t y tdlfkd-p s[p oioi kldkl d lkf ldkp m dkkf fd d lfkl lfdl k ldpeerei[ m[pi[e epirep p
- 衰落信道仿真 function r = rayleigh( fd, fs, Ns ) r = rayleigh(fd,fs,N) A Rayleigh fading simulator based on Clarke s Model Creates a Rayleigh random process with PSD determined by the vehicle s speed. INPUTS: fd = doppler frequency
- 层次分析法!改进的判断矩阵一致性检验 进行矩阵一致性度量的方法主要有两种,一种是由T.L.Saaty提出的一致性比率法C.R.(Consistency Ratio)[13]。还有一种是由Crawford与Williams提出的基于行几何平均法(Row Geometric Mean Method)的几何一致性指标GCI(Geometric Consistency Index)[14]。我们采用的是第一种方法:一致性比率法(C.R.)。-The analytic hierarchy process!
- 代码基于Matlab软件,讲述了大量数学方法的应用思路和过程。内容涉及回归分析、主成分分析、因子分析、聚类分析、判别分析、时(空)间序列分析、Markov链、R/S分析、线性规划、层次分析法以及人工神经网络建模等方法。通过模仿本书讲授的计算过程,读者可以加深对有关数学方法的认识和理解,并且掌握很多Matlab的应用技巧。代码规范,可研究价值高。 -Code based on the Matlab software, tells the story of a large number of
- m V D R 波 束 形 成 m a t l a b 程 序-m V D R-wave beam forming m a t l a b process
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algorithm functions availa
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for flickher signal, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algori
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for interruption signal, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT al
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for sag signals, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algorithm
- 近红外光谱分析中的BP模型建立过程,其中在原有BP神经网络模型的基础上自己编程加入了近红外模型验证系数的计算,如R-SquareC.R-SquareP,RMSEC,RMSEP,RSD等。并加入循环语句,设定区间程序可以自动运行并判断最佳隐含层结点数,最佳学习速率,动量因子,训练次数等,同时加入一个验证校正模型实例。-The process of BP model in near infrared spectrum analysis, including the original BP neura
- R波检测算法。不是在线算法,计算量较大,但是检测准确度较高,参数可调,有回溯检验过程。-R-wave detection algorithm. Not an online algorithm, the large amount of calculation, but a higher detection accuracy, adjustable parameters, there are backtesting process.
- 层次分析法matlab实现 clc,clear fid=fopen('txt3.txt','r'); n1=6;n2=3; a=[]; for i=1:n1 tmp=str2num(fgetl(fid)); a=[a;tmp]; %读准则层判断矩阵 end for i=1:n1 str1=char(['b',int2str(i),'=[];']); str2=char(['b',int2str(i),'=[b',in
第04章 动态规划
- 动态规划(dynamic programming)是运筹学的一个分支,是求解决策过程(decision process)最优化的数学方法。 20 世纪 50 年代初 R. E. Bellman 等人在研究多阶段决策过 程(multistep decision process)的优化问题时,提出了著名的最优性原理(principle of optimality),把多阶段过程转化为一系列单阶段问题,逐个求解,创立了解决这类过程 优化问题的新方法—动态规划。(Dynamic programm