- 将总金额分若干分,分批在各档位建仓,通过高抛低吸不断降低成本获利-The total amount will be divided into several sub-batches in the stalls position is opened by throwing buy low, sell high profit continuously reduce costs
- 画出时间序列的价格图,以及描上相应的买卖点和依据自己指标定义的最佳入市/退市点-plot the time series figure and scatter the respective sell/buy point
- 基于MATLAB的遗传算法的旅行商(TSP)问题求解,TSP问题:有一个推销员,要到n个城市推销商品,他要找出一个包含所有n个城市的具有最短路程的环路。-Solving based MATLAB genetic algorithm traveling salesman problem (TSP), TSP problem: a salesman to sell goods to the n cities, he wants to find the one that contains all th
- Get reduce the size of an original sound file between half to three quarters of the initial size. The FLAC format is often used to sell music online, and as an alternative to MP3 to share when you want to reduce the file size would have
- 用matlab编写的饮料自动贩售机仿真小程序-Prepared using matlab beverage vending machine simulation applet
- input是初始的资金,以及一系列价格,然后从第二个价格开始,如果价格高于前一个价格,则所有资金用来买这个东西,但是如果低于前一个价格,则全部卖掉(如果手头有货),最后如果有货不论价格都要卖掉 然后output是对应每个价格的总资产-input is the initial capital, as well as a range of prices, and then start the second price, if the price is higher than the previ
- 假设微电网中有风、光、微型燃气轮机、蓄电池,且已知各时段负荷需求;微电网可并网运行,当微网内部发电量较大时,可向电网卖电,而当内部发电不足时,可从大电网购电,价格参考实时电价。考虑各机组运行成本、燃料成本、污染物处理成本、以及买卖电支出或收益。该程序可解决在并网运行模式下,各机组出力如何分配才能达到经济最优的问题。(Suppose there are wind, light, micro gas turbines and batteries in the microgrid, and the l