- 实现聚类K均值算法: K均值算法:给定类的个数K,将n个对象分到K个类中去,使得类内对象之间的相似性最大,而类之间的相似性最小。 缺点:产生类的大小相差不会很大,对于脏数据很敏感。 改进的算法:k—medoids 方法。这儿选取一个对象叫做mediod来代替上面的中心 的作用,这样的一个medoid就标识了这个类。步骤: 1,任意选取K个对象作为medoids(O1,O2,…Oi…Ok)。 以下是循环的: 2,将余下的对象分到各个类中去(根据与medoid最相近的原则); 3,对于每个类(Oi)
- 实现聚类K均值算法: K均值算法:给定类的个数K,将n个对象分到K个类中去,使得类内对象之间的相似性最大,而类之间的相似性最小。-achieving K-mean clustering algorithms : K-means algorithm : given the number of Class K, n objects assigned K to 000 category, making such objects within the similarity between the lar
- Jacobi 方法,利用平面旋转矩阵所构成的正交相似变换将对 对称矩阵化为对角型的方法,Jacobi method, the use of planar rotation matrix by orthogonal similarity transformation consisting of the symmetric matrix into a diagonal-based method
- 用于图像的质量评估,比较原始图像与受躁图像之间的结构相似度。 -For image quality assessment, by comparing the original image and the structural similarity between the images impatient.
- 利用matlab实现两幅图像之间的相似性度量,主要是基于颜色直方图-Between two images using matlab to achieve similarity measure is mainly based on color histogram
- this m file is describe Similarity matrix for an image
- Cosine Similarity function recives a video frame oject and calculates the consine sililarity function. please enjoy
- 测试文本,选用著名的gettysburg这篇英文文本做为测试文本-Second, it fuses the features of the first singular value component and the second one, and then gets the complex feature vectors which reflect not only the statistic frequency but also the sequential structure of let
- 最后的测试程序,得出文本检索的正确率和召回率-In the end, the cosine similarity of texts is used to measure the similarity between the query and documents. The data comparison indicates that this algorithm has well experimental results. Moreover, it gets the advantage over
- cosine similarity measure
- Block matching algorithm,find the most similarity block in the neighborhood. Block matching algorithm,find the most similarity block in the neighborhood.-Block matching algorithm,find the most similarity block in the neighborhood.Block matching algor
- Measuring similarity between images using Color Histogram approach
- svd提取特征脸,Computer Vision课程作业,用PCA计算特征脸,提取主成分,用PCA系数进行相似度计算。-comupute face similarity using eigenface and PCA analysis
- In signal processing, cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them. This is also known as a sliding dot product or inner-product. It is commonly used to search a long duration signal
- 求图像区域间的自相似性,方法可以用来检测目标或是视频中的姿态-calculat self-similarity
- PLSA EM演算法,用於文本與字詞之間的矩陣工具,測量其相似度-PLSA EM algorithm for the matrix between the text and words tool to measure the similarity
- Texture Similarity Measurement
- similarity matching and conval filter 2d and 3d
Node Similarity-based Graph Clustering and Visualization
- The basis of the presented methods for the visualization and clustering of graphs is a novel similarity and distance metric, and the matrix describing the similarity of the nodes in the graph. This matrix represents the type of connections between th
time series similarity measures
- 这个包里包含了四种常用的时间序列相似性评估算法,包括DTW,LCSS, PLA和PAA,方便学者在进行开展实验时进行对比分析,也可以运用在多种需要评估距离的场景中。(This package includes four common time series similarity measures, including DTW, LCSS,PLA and PAA. This package can be used when the researcher carries out experiment