- function [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) KMEANS Cluster multivariate data using the k-means++ algorithm. [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) produces a 1-by-size(X,2) vector L with one class label per column in X and a size(X,1)-by-k matrix C containing the centers
- 绘制电容电压变化曲线 电阻、电感、电容串联电路R、L、C,试求电路突然接通电源E时,电源电压uc(t)的变化规律,并绘制R=1,L=0.5,C=1,E=1,uc(0)=0,uc’(0)=0时的电容电压uc(t)d 的变化曲线。 -Draw capacitance voltage variation curve resistor, inductor, capacitor series circuit of the R, L, and C, Find circuit suddenly
- : 针对粒子群优化算法易陷入局部极值的缺点, 提 出一种改进粒子群算法, 该算法借鉴贪婪算法的思想初始化种群, 利用两 个种群同时寻优, 并将遗传算法中交叉和变异操作引入其 中, 实现种群间的信息共享。-I n a l l u s i o n t o p a r t i c l e s wa r m o p t i mi z a t i o n b ei n g pr on e t o g e t i n t o l oc a l mi n i mu m, a n