- 该文件架下一共有4个matlab程序。结合到一起可以实现在matlab下实现选中ORL库的一幅图像然后找出与之最相近3张照片并显示出来。-the document-a total of the next four Matlab procedures. Can be combined to achieve the Matlab ORL selected under the image of a then identify with the most similar 3 photos and dis
- 蚁群算法的模拟实现 安装JDK,配置环境变量,导入项目,一般情况下直接保存、运行ant.UI即可启动程序。如果不能运行,将文件夹下的swt.jar加入构建路径,然后在运行中的JVM参数中加入-Djava.library.path="dll所在目录的绝对路径"即可。 也可以在命令行下直接运行该程序,假设文件夹放在D盘跟目录。则在cmd下切换到文件夹下,运行如下命令即可启动程序。-Simulation and Realization of ant colony algorithm
- Stretches contrast on the image and normalize image from 0 to 1 The main difference of this function to the standard streching functions is that standard function finds global minimum and maximum on the image, then uses some low and high