- 三种不同衰落情况下信道容量随平均接收信噪比的变化仿真(the Simulation of the Change of Channel Capacity with Average Received Signal to Noise Ratio in Three Different Fading Cases)
Channel equalization analysis
- Channel equalization with 2 different multipath channel profiles. Analysis is made with QPSK and 16QAM signal modulation.
- 系统发端整体设计 基带发端系统设计分为八个模块: 1)数据产生模块(Data Generation) 2)CRC校验及码块分割模块(CRC Attachment and Segmentation) 3)信道编码模块(Channel Coding) 4)速率匹配模块(Rate Matching) 5)码块级联模块(Code Block Concatenation) 6)加扰模块(Scrambling) 7)调制模块(Modulation) 8)MIMO层映射和预编码模块(Laye