- 这个软件采用的是VC++语言,主要实现了数字测图中一些常用的计算功能。主要功能分为四个大类:坐标转换类,角度转换类,误差计算类和其它计算类。共实现了20多项计算功能。 该软件为绿色软件,界面友好,操作简单,资源占有率低-the software is used in VC language, the main digital mapping some of the terms commonly used functions. Divided into four main funct
- 本软件能根据轧制工艺条件快速准确地计算出轧制力,并已经通过实际检测,与实际值误差在10%之内,建议教学轧制力时采用-software based on the rolling conditions quickly and accurately calculate the rolling force, and has adopted effective detection, and the actual value of the 10% error within the recommended t
- 互感器误差计算,根据给定输入,计算其比差,角差,复合误差等。
Point Position.rar
- 能实现GPS伪距单点定位,包括文件的读写、误差改正、卫星位置、钟差的计算,以及最终伪距定位的实现。误差在10m以内,Can achieve single-point pseudorange GPS positioning, including reading and writing files, error correction, satellite position, clock bad calculation, and finally achieve pseudorange position
- 研究模糊算法时编写的一个小函数,曾经用于第一版XUFO上的模糊控制器,优点是计算量小,简单易用,缺点是适应性不够强,不能满足高精度的需要。建议在使用的时候可以加入误差积分,形成简易模糊PID的架构,可以提高稳定时的精度。 -Study of fuzzy algorithms written a small function, has been used in the first edition of XUFO on the fuzzy controller, the advantage of c
- 高程测量常用软件,前方交会,均值和中误差,求坐标方位角,三角高程测量,视距测量,单导线计算,构建Delaunay的三角网-Front of the intersection, the mean and the error in order to coordinate , elevation measurement commonly used software,azimuth, trigonometric leveling, sight distance measurements, single-
- 利用软件程序计算罗经差,用于航海技术中的罗方位及真方位误差计算。-Software program compass error for the calculation of of marine technology Luo orientation and true azimuth error.
- 卫星导航工具箱3.0.可以计算伪距、各种GPS误差、卫星星历等等。-SATNAV3 TOOLBOX FOR MATLAB
- 导线计算,程序简单方便,能够计算增量也能够计算误差改正数-Wire calculations, the program is simple and convenient, can also be able to calculate the incremental calculation error corrections
- 这个程序使用二项式方法计算欧式期权价格和二项式方法和布莱克-斯科尔斯之间的误差进行比较。 -This program uses binomial method to calculate the European option prices and compare the error between binomial method and Black-Scholes.
- 这个程序使用蒙特卡洛模拟计算欧式期权价格和蒙特卡罗和布莱克-斯科尔斯之间的误差进行比较。-This program uses Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the European option prices and compare the error between Monte Carlo and Black-Scholes. 1.use Marsagalia s polar method to generate the standard norm
- 利用被动传感器坐标位置及测角误差 计算两站及多站无源测向交叉定位的精度矩阵 -The use of passive sensor coordinate position and angle measurement error calculation two stations and multi-station Passive Direction Finding Cross positioning accuracy matrix
- 计算求解二次微分方程实例,包括三角函数和直线代替求解,并计算二者的误差大小-Calculation of two cases of differential equations, including the trigonometric functions and linear instead of solving, and calculate the size of the error of the two