- Al salah is prayer time calculation software develop in java use unicode in code for urdu laganuage,Al salah is prayer time calculation software develop in java use unicode in code for urdu laganuage
- This project is to design the automated system for the inventory of Al-Ahmad Cotton and Oil Mills situated at Vehari road, Multan. It is difficult to keep the track of sale purchase and production system of any company, department or organization. It
- Inverse kinematics algorithm for Robot position control. Based on end chapter problems in Sciciliano et al book for Robot motion control. Different methods are used and their results provided.
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- 根据传热理论, 建立了大功率发光二极管的有限元模型. 选择了4 种键合材料( 高导热导电 银胶、纳米银焊膏, 大功率芯片键合胶、Sn70Pb30) , 4 种基板材料( Al2O3、A lN、A-l SiC、铜钼合金) . 采用ANSYS 有限元热分析软件进行了温度场仿真, 得到了大功率发光二极管封装材料的最优选 择. 研究了基板厚度、芯片输出功率及外接热沉时对发光二极管结温的影响.-Heat transfer theory, the finite element model of
- 大尺度主流流域水文模型(陆面模型),用C语言开发,在LINUX或CYGWIN等LINUX模拟系统中运行,由华人学者梁旭早期担纲开发。据称与河海大学引以为荣的新安江模型(可惜没有及时以程序语言向世界推广)的内核有传承关系。-VIC (Liang et al., 1994) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances, originally developed by Xu Liang at t
- 说明:大尺度主流流域水文模型(陆面模型),用C语言开发,在LINUX或CYGWIN等LINUX模拟系统中运行,由华人学者梁旭早期担纲开发。据称与河海大学引以为荣的新安江模型(可惜没有及时以程序语言向世界推广)的内核有传承关系。 VIC主模块用C语言编写。这是汇流模块,用Fortranm编写。-VIC (Liang et al., 1994) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances
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- stanford大学完好性项目中用来计算PL、AL并表示可用性关系的画图程序,也称为Stanford Plot-VPLSTAT(FNAME, PATH, VAL1, VAL2) reads the given file of TMS Vertical Protection Limit statistics and plots the color coded histogram. In addition the regions of integrity failure
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