- 客户管理是CRM的基础核心部分,我们对客户管理包括 客户的基本资料,每个客户可以设置多个关键联系人,从而把客户的管理落实到对其关键人物管理的管理细节上。 除了传统的客户分类:普通客户、代理客户、竞争对手而外,我们更是提供客户的类别自定义,从而实现想怎么分就怎么分。 把客户管理和公司的客户代表(业务员、客户专员)相结合,每个客户都有属于自己的业务负责人,确保“一致对外”,对客户永远只出现一种声音。 通过对客户的授信额度管理,规避不必要的风险,追踪潜在坏帐风险。-CRM customer manag
- 主要特色功能如下: 1.注册与否均可购物(同类程序中大多要求注册才能购物),方便了那些懒得注册的客户。降低门槛,自然能抓住更多潜在商机。 2.除了同类程序中常见的左侧分类树外,还有顶端分类。左侧分类和顶端分类均可在后台方便的进行管理,左侧分类可任意排序。 3.首页通过“新品速递”和“热销商品”两个栏目来展示商品,可自行设置在首页显示的商品的数量,产品介绍页面中还会推荐点击率最高的商品。 4.产品支持略图、全图、大图、多图,非常适合从多角度拍摄商品图片,对商品进行全方位的展示。-main feat
- 本系统是基于B/S结构的客户关系管理系统. 测试管理员和密码是super 用户名super 密码super 前台和后台是一次性同时登陆的 系统工能介绍: 客户管理---------- 添加客户 客户列表 分组 联系人列表 行动管理 ----------- 联系活动 日历 销售管理 ----------- 机会 销售 销售明细 产品管理 ----------- 产品
- 高校用户潜在网络信息需求的显化,我国高校校园网已初具规模, 但尚未得到充分利用。-college potential network users demand in the information, my college campus network has taken shape, but not yet been fully utilized.
comput earth gravity
- this program is compute the potential of earth gravity.
- 通信标准研究与开发是通讯行业的制高点。当前发展最为兴旺,潜力最大的莫过于3gpp的3.9G无线通信标准——LTE。本代码实现了从3gpp网站直接下载标准会议提案,配合LTE会议报告轻松获取感兴趣的标准提案,加快工作流程-Communication standards in research and development is the commanding heights of the communications industry. The most current development b
- 数控切割控制系统,需要DLPORTIO,通过控制8位的并口的电位高低来4路控制数控切割机-NC cutting control system, required DLPORTIO, by controlling the parallel port 8 to the potential level of 4-way control of CNC cutting machine
- LmNet PF 神经网络预测平台是公司基于最优神经网络算法(Levenberg-Marquardt动量项法)开发的通用预测平台工具。它是针对用户进行预测需要,快速构建神经网络应用的通用预测平台,它能解决包括销售量预测、销售价格预测、成本预测、市场潜力预测、新产品价格预测等方面的预测分析。功能包括:新建、修改网络模型;网络训练;网络仿真;误差分析;专家样本数据自动生成;节点配置;数据归一化处理;网络参数初始化设置等。~..~ -Neural Network Prediction LmNet
- 这是一个用C++编写的影碟出租管理系统,可以实现对影碟出租信息级租借人信息的简单管理-This is a use of C++ to prepare the video rental management system that can achieve the level of information on the DVD rental potential lessees of the simple information management
- 采用偏微分方程数值解法生成翼型O型网格并采用速度势方程求低速不可压无粘流场 -Numerical solution of partial differential equations using Airfoil O-grid generation and use low-speed velocity potential Equation incompressible inviscid flow field
- 均匀圆盘电势 均匀圆盘电势 均匀圆盘电势-Uniform circular disc electric potential electric potential uniform uniform uniform circular disc electric potential electric potential electric potential uniform disc
- 增加与删除股票,集中自己收集的股票,让你更加知道有升值空间的股票。-Increases and remove the stock, to focus their collection of stocks, so that you know there is more upside potential.
- INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING NSDCALC SOFTWARE Nsdcalc.m is a Matlab program for performing the image enhancement process described in the accompanying paper. Place the program in your work directory along with the demonstration data file grav.tx
- 基于人工势场的岔路口的道路建模研究(程序)-Based on Artificial Potential Field Modeling road fork
- X2 - because sometimes it makes 100 profit per month. "Doubler". This is SCALPING system (a lot of trades) with very high potential. Secret is that it chooses the best moments when the set of standard indicators is built in the best mutual SUPER
- uroX3 - the next generation of Forex Robots: 96 winning trades! Multitrade up to 4 pairs. This is NOT SCALPING system, but it have very high potential. Set-and-forget - already optimized for work on EURUSD M30, but all variables are editable.-uroX3 -
- Supermarket store manager decided to map all areas of the display at his store, and build a computational system that contains relevant information about each product. The system is supposed to help calculate the costs and potential profits, and h
- 淘宝营销快车软件的主要功能就是利用关键字实时精准的筛选出您的潜在买家,自动或手动的通过旺旺发送促销信息给潜在买家。精准营销快车实时的筛选出只对您的产品感兴趣的买家并发送您的产品宣传或促销信息,使您的宣传更有定向性、针对性和专业性,才能大幅度提高您的产品销量。 -Taobao Marketing Express software' s main functions is to use real-time accurate filter out keywords that your pot
- 本文专门针对物料系统的采购员在采购时对潜在供应商的技术应答规范,很有参考价值。-This material system specifically for the buyer in the procurement of the response of potential suppliers of technology standards, a good reference.
- 偶极子理论电位,成都理工大学地电学教程实验李军-Dipole potential