JetterSite WebEditor
- JetterSite WebEditor是基于Java/JSP的服务器控件,是一个功能强大的在线网页编辑器。在不用于商业活动的前提下,您可以免费下载使用及传播。 功能特点如下: ·开放式的程序框架,强大的扩展能力; ·程序与Javascr ipt脚本完美分离,在不修改源程序情况下随意增加新功能; ·多语言、多样式、多布局支持; ·以配置文件为中心,布局、功能安排统一通过配置文件修改; ·兼容IE系列浏览器,在今后会陆续支持Mozilla、Opera等浏览器; ·
- 1. 发卡服务端:Server 项目文件:autojet.prj 2. 计费客户端:Client 项目文件:internet.prj Explorer.prj 先启动Explorer.exe, 再启动internet.exe 3. 数据库脚本 INIT(原版).SQL 和 New init.sql(新版),数据库名 NetBar 4. 动态连接库: NETBAR.dll hookdll.dll 5. 大学生公寓城Syste
1-Submit Pro v1.70
- 一款优秀而直观的URL提交脚本,只需轻轻的点击就能能让你的站点访问者提交他们的URL地址到多种搜索引擎中并检查他们的链接,提交的同时还生成日志便于你查看所提交的内容,当提交任务完成时,生成一封人证邮件发送给访问者而让他们再次访问你的站点 -one excellent and intuitive URL submitted scr ipts, with just a click you can allow visitors to the site to submit their URLs to m
- 这是用Delphi编写的餐饮酒店管理系统,主要对点菜收银,库房进行管理,同时具有营业分析功能。数据库:SQLServer2000,数据库脚本:tlcyglxt.sql(data文件夹内),ODBC:tlcyglxt。-This is the Delphi Management System hotels catering mainly to the cash register orders, the Treasury management, which has business analysis
- This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58860&lngWId=1 The author may
- 考勤工资管理系统,c++builer工具开发,可直接编译运行,使用sql server2000数据库,导入脚本即可-attendance wage management system, c builer development tools, operating directly translated, SERVER2000 use sql database can import scr ipts
Close All Trades MT4一键平仓脚本
- MT4一键平仓脚本 只要一点就可以清除所有持仓单 这样可以省却了交易单太多一一手工平仓的困饶,并且一键平仓的效率也是非常值得肯定的,现在发出来给大家使用,具体安装方法将脚本文件复制至到平台安装目录下experts\scr ipts内即可! 然后打开MT4在导航--脚本--清除持仓单 就可以应用了 -MT4 scr ipt as long as a key to open all the positions that you can remove a single transaction s
- 一套三层结构的文件管理OA系统源码,界面表现层使用flash,中间层使用c# webservice,数据库后台使用sqlserver.压缩文件中的webservicesOA文件是c#中间层代码,outState.sql是数据库脚本.需要配置IIS服务器.,A three-tiered structure of the document management system source OA, interface presentation layer to use flash, use the m
- C#图书管理系统,MSSQL2000数据库,包括数据库脚本,图标资源等,在VS2005顺利编译,功能上本系统可完成读者管理、图书管理、流通管理等三大块,还包括图书借阅、图书归还、查看租用情况等。-C# library management system, MSSQL2000 databases, including database scr ipts, icons and resources, in the VS2005 successfully compile functions of the
- Activity——活动管理模块 Analyse——分析模块 Client——客户管理系统模块 Email——E-mail管理模块 Fee——费用管理模块 Report——报表模块 Sell——销售管理模块 Service——服务管理模块 Stock——库存管理模块 UserManage——用户管理模块 其余文件夹为: Data——报表生成数据存放文件夹 Images——图片文件夹 scr ipts——脚本文件夹 -Activity-
- 一个用TCL/TK写的用于verilog的集成编辑环境.-netedit The purpose of this tool is creation of tcl/tk- based environment for convenient Verilog netlist viewing and editing. This tool will allow development of TCL scr ipts in order to make structural changes in verilog
- 模拟在线考试系统,分为两个文件,需要同时运行,发送试题->答卷->提交->查看分数-Analog-line examination system, is divided into two documents, required to run at the same time, send questions scr ipts submit View Score
- e-shop plazza joomla scr ipts
- VC++早期开发的一款医院门诊收费管理系统,采用MSSQL2000数据库,源代码中附带了建库脚本,需要手动建库,调试时顺利通过,登录系统的密码SQL脚本里面有,数据库默认连接本机,用户sa,密码空。本套系统可以完成医院科室设置、信息管理、收费管理等常规功能。-VC++ early development of a management system for hospital outpatient charges for using MSSQL2000 database, source code
- This directory contains the matlab scr ipts that can read and write data into SAC format.
- 开源免费OA系统,附带数据库创建脚本,比较好安装-Open Source Free OA system, with database creation scr ipts, is better to install
- contains MATLAB scr ipts and data that were used in the webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Asset-Pricing Models." The slides from the webinar are also included. The scr ipts examine the Fama & French model for a number of companies with recent IPOs to
- 基于SQL Server开发的库存管理信息系统,含数据库创建脚本。-SQL Server-based inventory management information systems development, including database creation scr ipts.
- 学生管理系统含有数据库脚本,可以添加、删除、修改以及浏览,实现多文档和菜单技术,并运用窗口继承技术。-Student management system with database scr ipts, you can add, delete, modify, and browse menus for multi documents and technology and the use of window inheritance technique.
- Fibonacci scr ipts, to show fibonacci on metatrader 4 with scr ipts. place under experts\scr ipts. manual and descr iption included. all open source with metaquote language 4.